• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2009

      Here's an epic introduction.

      Clockwork: The gears have been in motion since the Big Bang and they have not ever stopped. They never will.

      Hello. My name is Martin.

      Clockwork: The endless and infinite shifting expanse, a collection of mechanical devices that run our universe.

      Let me introduce myself.

      Clockwork: The nature of consciousness is derived from the universe, which exists only in consciousness.

      Life is a cycle. I exist as part of this.
      You exist as something big.

      I am a lonely soul, lost in time and space for what will eventually become an eternity, should an infinite amount of time ever pass. What is it that enables me to be posting here? Who do these thoughts of mine belong to? I did not create them, I am only a part of the clockwork...

      Ahh, you ask of whence my interests in lucid dreaming originate. That is why I came here after all. Lucid dreaming is an apparent breaking of the system which humanity is enslaved in. The distinction between awareness and unawareness - the dreaming and waking state. Lucid dreaming blurs this distinction. Am I awake? No, I am dreaming. But I am aware. But where am I aware, if I am not awake?

      Clockwork: Infinity.

    2. #2
      Member Jhony's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2008
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      Quote Originally Posted by Clockwork View Post
      Clockwork: The gears have been in motion since the Big Bang and they have not ever stopped. They never will.

      Hello. My name is Martin.

      Clockwork: The endless and infinite shifting expanse, a collection of mechanical devices that run our universe.

      Let me introduce myself.

      Clockwork: The nature of consciousness is derived from the universe, which exists only in consciousness.

      Life is a cycle. I exist as part of this.
      You exist as something big.

      I am a lonely soul, lost in time and space for what will eventually become an eternity, should an infinite amount of time ever pass. What is it that enables me to be posting here? Who do these thoughts of mine belong to? I did not create them, I am only a part of the clockwork...

      Ahh, you ask of whence my interests in lucid dreaming originate. That is why I came here after all. Lucid dreaming is an apparent breaking of the system which humanity is enslaved in. The distinction between awareness and unawareness - the dreaming and waking state. Lucid dreaming blurs this distinction. Am I awake? No, I am dreaming. But I am aware. But where am I aware, if I am not awake?

      Clockwork: Infinity.
      Nice intro. I feel you will become an expert on LD very soon.

      And welcome.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2009
      Why thank you.


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