Hey guys. I've known about Lucid Dreaming for some quite time. Always wanted to "learn" it but never got to. Anyways, I've been experiencing some things while sleeping and I'm sure this is the best place to get info.

1) There's times where I'm 90% sleeping, 10% awakes. Everything starts dark, but images start to fade in. This is when I actually open my eyes, and what I actually see is similar to what was fading in. Kinda like "the picture shifted." Is there a term for this phenomena? I guess it's like Deja Vu?

2) A few years ago, this would happen alot, I would "hear" sentences that I've heard on that day. It's usually when I'm falling asleep. I would "hear" the same exact sentence, with the "same voice." Sometimes the sentence is said loud, but I "percieve" it normally. Does that make sense?
