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    1. #1
      Lurker jack!'s Avatar
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      Unhappy Recognizing a reality check but no lucidity?

      Hi everyone, I'm Jack, new to the forums.

      I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what happened in my dream.

      So I've only known about Lucid Dreaming for about 4 weeks maybe? And have been applying RCs for about the same time, I haven't been keeping a dream journal though

      So I'm dreaming a few days ago, that I'm with a bunch of my friends in this big shopping complex, and we get to this toy store, and we're playing with these toys, I think they were toy cars, on the ground (I'm nearly 16, don't judge me ) but all of a sudden I do a RC, no DS or anything, I just decided to look down at my hands, maybe it was because my friends and I wouldn't usually play with cars, and thought I should RC, but anyway, I look down, and my hands are all wavy and I had alot more fingers than usual.

      So I say to myself in my dream "I must be dreaming," and start saying "alright let's go, let's start LCing" expecting something to happen, and nothing happened, I kept sitting down with my friends, I just kept dreaming, and never seemed to be in control or be at any stage of lucidity. The dream also never got more vivid when I RC'd. Then I just went back to normal dreaming.

      Does anybody know what happened? It was confusing when I woke up as I didn't know whether I had the chance to become lucid or not.

      Thanks in advance, Jack.

    2. #2
      ¿ƃuıɯɐǝɹp noʎ ǝɹɐ Achievements:
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      Hi Jack to DV and congrats on your first LD! You have done extremely well to achieve lucidity in just four weeks.

      Random RCs in dreams are unusual but they do happen and it sounds like that's what you did. I have occasionally found myself performing a RC in a dream for no particular reason and have become lucid from it.

      It is also very common to lose lucidity during a LD, especially when you are inexperienced at LDing, but it also happens to experienced LDers. A couple of suggestions to help you maintain lucidity next time:

      1) Prime yourself while you are awake that the next time a RC fails and you realise you are dreaming that the first thing you will do is to stablise the dream. A good way to achieve this is to rub your hands together and look around at your environment and say "This is a dream" a few times. When I first started I used to rub my hands at the end of each RC to get myself into the habit.

      2) Have at least one clear, simple lucid goal that you would like to achieve and get straight on with it. If you start randomly interacting with your dream environment without a set goal you are likely to be drawn back into the dream and lose lucidity. I also found when I was new to LDing that it was important not to interact with Dream Characters (DCs) for the same reason. They will just distract you. I can safely interact with them now I've had a few LDs but you are better to have a goal that you can carry out on your own. If DCs talk to you just say "sorry, i have to go" and turn and walk away.

      Let me know how you get on!

    3. #3
      Lurker jack!'s Avatar
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      EB Sonnn.
      Hi DreamQueen. Thanks for such a friendly welcoming.

      Your tips made me realise what I did wrong once I RC'd. I didn't make any attempt at stabilizing the dream when I realised I was dreaming.

      I just hope I can have another one soon so that I can stabilize it!

      Do you have any suggestions for goals to keep in mind?

      Thanks, jack
      They say dreams are as real as long as they last, couldn't we say the same thing about life?

    4. #4
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      did you went conscious in that dream , on that little moment? or it was only an impulse? because I don't want to call it a LD, but yes, it is perfect anyways because your brain is starting to assimilate...
      but anyways...

    5. #5
      ¿ƃuıɯɐǝɹp noʎ ǝɹɐ Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mariano View Post
      I don't want to call it a LD
      It was a LD that Jack had even though his lucidity did not last.

      You're welcome Jack I'm sure you'll have another one soon. I usually only have one or two goals at any given time. The reason is that when in a LD your brain is not functioning at 100% capacity and your access to waking memories can be impaired. If you have a big long list of goals chances are you'll stand there in your dream unable to remember any of them! It's better to have one or two only that you remind yourself of regularly during waking hours (when you RC is the perfect time to do this).

      Anyway, yes I do have a couple of good goals I'd recommend.

      1) "Put my arm through a wall"
      Any solid object will do but I find it is good to be clear, simple, and specific when setting lucid goals. This is a great goal because it will start training you how to break the laws of physics with your mind. Just remember, when you are dreaming you can put your arm through a wall. You may find it happens easily but if you find your arm doesn't go through, keep trying and really believe it will go through.

      2) "Float off the ground"
      Make this your second goal because you will probably start to fly around after doing this and it's quite common once you start flying in a LD to do nothing else until you wake up (not always the case but it does happen)

      3) "Find a mirror and look carefully at my reflection"
      Mirrors behave strangely in dreams for most people so you should enjoy this. It also gives you some practise at finding a specific object at will.

      4) "Find a mirror and put my hand into it"
      There is an unusual sensory experience that seems to occur for a lot of people when they touch a mirror in a dream. I won't say what it is as that will give you an expectation and expectations are extremely influential in dreams!

      I'd suggest you choose only one or two of these goals and once you have achieved them move on to the others.

      (don't forget to rub your hands together first and look around your dreamscape to stablilise your dream and enhance your lucidity)

      Feel free to let me know how you go on here or in a PM

    6. #6
      ¿ƃuıɯɐǝɹp noʎ ǝɹɐ Achievements:
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      Oh btw... ironically I didn't take my own advice last night lol! I became lucid and immediately rushed over to have sex with a cute DC which, typically, caused me to wake up!


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