HI... This is my first time posting...

I'm 17 years old,Male,and i had experiences,not only once...

When I'm dreaming,I know that i was dreaming,but, sometimes i can control myself,for example,i can use super ability,like flying,summon lightning storm,and so on(Maybe i too much watch heroes)and later,when i use my ability,it stopped suddenly,it didn't working(the abilities)

And when i know i was dreaming,and control it,i often make a wrong choices,mistakes during my journey,and when i start to make the mistake,somehow i think i must wake up,and... I wake up... Even if i'm still want to sleep...

Now,the question is.... Is it considered as a lucid dream?And why i'm still make a mistake,although i control my dream?

Please answer...I'm sorry for my languange,English isn't my mother languange...Thanks