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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2009

      4 Lucid Dreams in A Row. 7 This month so far.

      *If the moderators would be so kind to fix the misspelling of lucid in the title of my post. My "c" key has been acting up.

      It all started the sixth of this month. I stayed up all night to study for my Biology final. after the test i cam back to my dorms and took a long nap and this is when it started. around 4 times in a row I found my self dreaming but in full control of it. I could control the environment and the people around me. I found myself waking up and as soon as i fell asleep again there I was again on another scenery fully aware I am dreaming and with control of it. It happened 4 times that day and fully ecstatic I decided to research it. It was not my first lucid dream but have never given it much mind until then. From what I an remember three of the five dream I can recall having since then have been lucid. most of them, 2 out of the 3 afterwards, have happened while I was taking a nap.

      I guess my question is from this point on what do I look for when having these dreams. What should I do to take advantage of them. I have become fascinated with the topic and wish to become a part research in understanding this topic. Is there a way to make recalling dreams easier because I feel that as long as I remember the dream I can remember achieving lucidity if that makes any sense.

      I have another question. Two times this month I have also had the weird sensation as if as soon as I am about to fall asleep I get hit in the head. Its like getting hit with a bat and not feeling the pain associated with it just the disorientation. I am fully awake afterwards and unable to go to sleep afterwards for aware. Have anyone heard of this and what is it usually associated with.

      Thank you for reading.
      Last edited by DazedAndConfused; 03-22-2009 at 09:57 AM.


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