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    1. #1
      Wes is offline
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      I need help relaxing!!!

      Two nights ago I had my first lucid dream and it was an icredible experience. It only lasted about 10 or so seconds though. Last night I wanted to have another LD so badly that I couldn't fall asleep for about two hours. When I finally did fall asleep I didnt sleep well and I woke up often in the night. Usually I'm able to fall asleep quickly but I guess I was too caught up in trying to have an LD that it kept me from having a good sleep. How can I relax when Im going to sleep even though I'm so excited about the possiblities of having a lucid dream?
      The trick is to combine your waking, rational thoughts to the infinite possiblities of your dreams...
      (Waking Life)

    2. #2
      Member Damascus's Avatar
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      One of the easiest ways is to try the HILD tutorial, but at the end, instead of rousing yourself, just go back to the counting/relaxation.

      very easy for inducing a wild

    3. #3
      Member Syntex's Avatar
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      Master Relaxation Technique


      Here's a technique for relaxing, I use it often and it makes me instantly relax now. Feel free to quote this anywhere else.

      Position: Lying on your back, sitting comfortably, or standing

      Procedure: Very gradually TENSE toes, feet and ankles counting 1-2-3-4-5 attaining maxium TENSION at 5. HOLD for count of 2. Very gradually RELEASE tension counting 5-4-3-2-1 attaining maxium RELAXATION at 1. Be sure to apply this technique very SLOWLY without straining any part of your body. Also, be careful not to induce a cramp by tensing too hard. If a cramp is experienced, immediatley stop and rest until the muscle returns to normal.

      Using the same count, then TENSE/RELAX calves, thighs, buttocks, pelvis, abdomen, chest, back, hand, arms, shoulders, neck, face and head in that order. The key is imply to "isolate" and "localize" tension in a particular muscle area and then fully relax that area after the hold. Before and after tensing/relaxing breathe deeply and rhythmically.

      To TENSE face: make facial contortions and HOLD. To TENSE back and neck: slightly arch each or aplly pressure against any surface you are touching.

      The objective should be to TENSE/RELAX your entire body at one time. After a little practice, you will be able to TENSE every muscle in your body at the same time, HOLD, and RELAX all muscles simultaneously.

      This "tension/relaxation technique," used in conjunction with the following "self-dialogue," will eventually enable you to relax totally in less than ten seconds. If both techniques are performed properly, you frequently will experience a gloriously natural and healthy "stretch" that will revitalize you entier system. If you are trouble with insomnia, use both tehcniques to induce a refreshing, deep sleep quickly and easily.


      When you have completed the preceding instructions, yo are ready to start a purely mental method of relaxtion. You should acquaint yourself with following "self-dialogue" by reading it over several times, and then formualte a personal dialogue more suited to your own individual needs.

      It has been found by repeated experimentation that speaking directly to your unconscious mind in the second person (i.e. YOU) is more effective than saying "I" and will give you a maximum of results with a minimum effort. The "second person method" is the quickest and most direct way of attaining ultimate relaxation and consequently, lets you sleep easier. The following dialogue should be spoken to yourself mentally, unless you find by practice that you respond better to the spoken word. This will relax you mentally as well as physically.

      "You are now entering a state of deep, profound relaxation, Begin with you feet, Your feet are becoming lighet and lighter, more and more relaxed. This same feeling of relaxtation is extending upward through your ankles, legs, and thighs. THey are getting mroe and more relaxed, lighet and lighter. All tensions are slowly draining from your body. You are letting go of all the tension in your pelvis and buttocks. This feeling of deep relaxation is slowly spreading to your abdomen, chest and back. You are getting more and more relaxed. Your entire body is becoming loose, light and serene. (Repeat this general idea up through your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, mouth, eyes, forehead, etc.) You are now experienceing a deep profound relaxation in every cell and atom of your whole being. Your entire body is relaxed and serene, light and wieghtless, peacful and comfortable. Your mind is calm, quiet and tranquil."

      Sorry if thats overkill, but that should get you to sleep and also in a light hypnotic state. By the way the best thing to do in this state is to say, "you will become as relaxed and tranquil as you are now, everytime you say the word 'RELAX'" I've done this and everytime i say that word to myself I become relaxed automatically.

      Sorry for any gramatical errors,

      Hope this works for you,

      -Daniel 8) [/b]
      The human mind has far greater potential than society has conditioned you to believe.

    4. #4
      Member Lowercase Society's Avatar
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      the ocean...
      go surfing. or smoke, or even meditate. during waking hours of course...and the prodominant of the 3 is surfing, believe it or not...
      "i am the crumpled sheets of paper behind an artists' attempt at perfection"

      www.myspace.com/mattnocas (more recent pics and info)
      Pictures of me here-----> (4 years old now)

    5. #5
      "One day at a time" tryured's Avatar
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      Re: I need help relaxing!!!

      Originally posted by Wes
      Two nights ago I had my first lucid dream and it was an icredible experience. *It only lasted about 10 or so seconds though. *Last night I wanted to have another LD so badly that I couldn't fall asleep for about two hours. *When I finally did fall asleep I didnt sleep well and I woke up often in the night. *Usually I'm able to fall asleep quickly but I guess I was too caught up in trying to have an LD that it kept me from having a good sleep. *How can I relax when Im going to sleep even though I'm so excited about the possiblities of having a lucid dream?
      Wow that exact same thing has been happening to me, you get so caught up in all the hype its too much excitment, and then you just bomb out completly and don't even have a good nite of just "normal" dreams. If your not in bad physical shape try to jog a few kilometres about 8:30 pm, gets you fit and your muscles are well relaxed by the time you jump into bed.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Nov 2004


      First you have to go to bed when you are tired. period. Have you tried meditation? Not for religious purposes or anything. Just being able to clear your mind and slow your breath. Try some kind of herbal relaxing tea. Any sort of routine before you go to bed will help.


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