
Just joined this site as to get a better knowledge of what/how lucid dreaming is. I was ineterested in it before as my friend did it for a bit but fell out of it recently but I never really had the urge to do it myself. Mostly just how it works and stuff interested me.

I definitely want to try it now though. Gots a couple of questions though

How long did it take to get your first ACTUAL lucid dream? (i.e. You can recall the events and take control)

Why do you do it? is it because of the imagination and creativity you can unlock with it? Do you find out more about yourself?

I am usually a type of person who doesn't have a SUPER high patience time so with my mindset and attitude will it be harder for me to train myself as I will probably want to try and lucid dream as quickly as possible?

Also my biological clock is messed as I don't get to bed till late (LIke 12 PM or later on weekdays waking up at 7:30 the next day). Will this make it not possible for me to Lucid dream?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm a very interested person. Thanks!