Pleased to have found this place!

I named the girl that is always in my dreams Alovia. Alovia means daughter in Basque which is a very old language.She only sort of looks like me on certain angles and in certain lights. I am 26 yet most of the time she is between the ages of 8 and 18. I dont know why, maybe my sub-conscious doesnt realise I grew up!

I had plenty of lucid dreams as a child and flew a lot. I had some amazing ones when I was trying to quit smoking thanks to nicotine patches! I also sometimes find myself narrating whole books in my dreams. The craziest dreams I've had were due to anti-depressants but since I finished treatment with them, I have found that I just cannot lucid dream anymore.

So that's why I'm here. To try to re-learn what I have always done automatically.

I am not particularly religious but deeply spiritual. I am not very well so I spend my days writing, drawing and singing when I am up to it. I am currently reading Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy, Grimm's fairytales and have just discovered the teachings of J. Krishnamurti.

Looking forward to meeting you!
