I used to lucid dream when I was child without realizing it. It always wanted to be able to do it again, but never was really able to get back to it. Then I found this website.
About 5 days ago I started to do reality checks and i was becoming more and more aware of my dreams until last night I finally was able to achieve semi lucidity.
I am in the US Army, and we often have to pull 24 hour guard duty shifts. On this shift (which was the night before last) it was my time to take a nap (there were three of us on duty, so we took shifts over the course of the night). I was so close to achieving and LD that when I awoke two hours later I was extremely frustrated.
Then I came home after my guard shift and didn't have to report back till later in the day. So I took a 3 to 4 hour nap and almost achieved lucidity again. I was unable to achieve it but I was questioning whether or not I was dreaming constantly.
I went back to work, got briefed on some stuff, and then came home. That night, after a few drinks, I went to bed. I had a dream I was being chased by some cougars on an Island and I think the lucid dream came almost out of necessity.
I was about to be killed and I realized the only chance I had to live was if I had superpowers.
Then I realized the only way I could have superpowers was if I were dreaming. Immediately I attempted, with success, to blast one of the cougars with an energy beam from my hand. Upon realizing I was dreaming, I began to beat the other cougar into submission. Then my dream began to fade. I tried spinning, but, it didn't work. I think its because I wasn't focusing on the sensation it caused.
I went back to sleep after I had woken up from this dream and found myself walking on an interstate road near my home town and decided I was once again dreaming and tried to fly. I was successful at it again. But during the course of the rest of the dream I found it extremely hard to control things and even to control myself. I couldn't open my eyes at times, and couldn't move as fast as I wanted to. Perhaps all of those problems go away with practice. But, I don't think I was fully lucid either. It was amazing though.