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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2009

      First REAL Lucid Dream

      I have had quite a few dreams before in which the circumstances allowed me to bend the rules and possibilities in them, but never up until now actually realized "Hey, I'm dreaming." Two dreams I can remember manipulating things were: One time, being chased by warewolves through a dark forrest, I thought to myself "I need silver bullets" looking down at my hands scanning the forrest ground for ANY type of weapon and realizing that all of a sudden there was a platnum handgun in my right hand that I was able to blow every warewolf away with.

      Another time I had a Matrix dream. There were like 20 Smith's chasing me when I realized "Hey, there is no reason so many Smith's would be after me UNLESS I was Neo, which would make me almost god-like."

      In those two dreams the virtual reality was bent and manipulated, but I didn't know I was dreaming. Last night was my first. I have been pretty much prepared since Friday night(when I first saw Waking Life) to catch myself dreaming. I watched it saturady night and sunday afternoon as well, so it probobly embedded some kind of awarness in me. I also had been doing alot of lucid dreaming research on the computer over the weekend. So basicall, the subconcious had all these ideas floating around. Anyway...

      Went to bed last night envisioning being in a building with some kind of intelligence greater than that of a man. I wasn't being specific with the thought, just simply setting myself up to be in a situation where I could recognize the situation as a dream and become lucid fast.

      Began dreaming:Am inside a huge, wide open cabin. There is a giant in there with me. It seemed to be male at first and then female moments later. It asked me who i was and if I knew the laws of it's town and that I obey them. *I'm lucid.* I say I don't know the laws and do not intend to obey them even if I did.(I know I'm dreaming, but don't want to tell either the giant creature, nor the normal sized man thats sitting down at her right side.) I realize she is sitting in a giant thrown. She grabs me and picks me up as if demonstrating her power, when I decide I want to explode out of her hand and begin to fly, but not with out leaving a burst of a heat signature in her palm.

      Just as fast as I think this it happens. And as I am now hovering at eye level with her she is shaking her giant hand manically, it now being charred and burned. She throws a fit and starts knocking down all the wooden beams that are holding up the cabin roof trying to get at me, one of th beams falls on the normal sized guy crushing him. I run out the front door and start charging down this amazing path of wooden panels leading down a long hill. Torches are on each side of the path lighting the way of an ancient civilization in the jungle.

      The speed I'm gaining with every 5 or so steps is truly amazing and powerful. I'm now going so fast that all the people, torches and mud huts seem to be going by me in a blur. I hear the giant screaming in frustration behind me as well as a rumbling and shaking telling me shes chasing after me. This is when the thought of flying occurs again. For some reason though its not working as easily as before. I jump into the air maybe 15 or so feet only to leap maybe an extra 20 yards down the hill only for my feet to hit the ground again running. Then I make a larger leap, fall back down to my feet and continue running gaining speed then make an even larger leap into the air.

      By now I can really feel the momentum building and know that the next leap will be big enough to get me airbourn. There is a bit of nervousness knowing this giant is chasing me, but overall not so much as I am still completely lucid and know I have more powers than her. Finally, in a split second the thought occurs "As I take off, I should leave another burst of heat/fire to incinerate anything that my be close to grabbing me" I feel bad as there are alot of indiginous people all around me that will probobly get burned, but I then rationalize the whole situation by the realization that they are only DC's, why let THEM ruin MY dream. I exploded off the surface of the earth leaving a gigantic heat signature behind me, I hear a few people screaming and look back to see nothing but a dust cloud covering most everything in sight. everything seems laid to waste. I then turn my head towards where I am flying and admire the moon, as well as the moon-lit ocean and a small island I notice off in the distance. The island looks nice, maybe even welcoming so I decide to go there.

      Okay, got to go to work now. Will finish posting after I get home as the Island is where things REALLY become detailed. And its actually thanks to someone on this site mentioning that by listening to another LDreamer and taking a moment to stop and observe your surroundings your surroundings become all that much more vivid.

      Anyway, nice to be apart of this community, LDing is the best drug so seldomly abused. Last night was the first time for me, and the possibilities seem endless. Still got to work a bt harder on my dream recall as I only seem to remember the first half while at the same time have a feeling the second half was much more intense, detailed ect.


      When I get to the island I realize everything is much more modern and civilized as compared to the jungle area with the giant I just left. By the time i land at the island, which has a calm demeanor to it, I perch myself on top of a big log sticking up vertically out of the ground. I feel almost like a vampire or something by the balance I'm achieveing while standing on the log. I feel a sort of extacy in the invincibility-like feel that being lucid seems to bring on. At this point the thought to observe my surroundings(which I originally heard here somewhere in these forums) occurs. Everything comes to life. Its sunny, even warm-looking(can't say so much for how it felt) yet there are light dustings of snow everywhere.

      The buildings(basically a bunch of big houses) are all white, yet made of old wood, not fully symetrical. The house at the right of me, which is the closest house to me, is extremely vivid. There is a light on through the window. It has a very comforting christmas feel to it. There is also a maze of brown, old-looking wooden fencing winding through the entire area.

      A small boy appears trying to climb over the fence but is too small. He is covered in thick winter cloths crying. I ask whats wrong? He tells me two bigger kids are chasing after him. I tell him to jump over the fence, he says he can't he's too small. I tell him I can help him, as he jumps I hold out my hand and will him over the top of the wooden fence. At this point everything feels very telekinetic. As he jumps over to my area I tell him to run past me and don't stop because I now see the two bigger kids coming; big enough to hop the fence by using their hands to hurdle over it.

      The kid in front looks very much like an old child-hood friend. The kid behind has a red winter hat on. As the first bully(the 1 who looks like an old friend) tries to jump the fence I again hold out by hand and knock him backwards into the second bully, knocking them both to the ground. I the turn back my attention the the little boy I'm helping escape and he about to run into another fence. I yell jump, and again shoot a burst of energy(not invisible, but colorless) at him that shoots him up high enough to clear the fencing. I immediatly follow him over the fence clearing it with ease.

      By the time i turn around the two bully's already managed to somehow get up, jump the first fence as well as the 2nd fence me and the little guy just cleared in a matter of a second(talk about dream logic) They are right on my tail and I start blasting them with the kinetic energy. Flyinging them around in the snow. Then start creating basketball sized snowballs with my mind and slamming them into the bullies at full force. Eventually they grow tired and give up the chase. They ask me who I am and how I am doing all this. I want to say I'm dreaming but am again reluctant to say so, rather simply ask them why they are chasing the little boy.

      They said they didn't want to, but they have to, because they belong to a cult-like school and were told by their teacher to find the little boy who had run away from school. I tell them I can help them and all their classmates escape if they want. This is where the dream immediatly cuts off, like a changing scene in a movie without any progression between the first location and the second. All of a sudden I am in the school, peaking around a cubicle. Things are not so vivid anymore, but from what I remember the cubicles were everywhere, set up for the children to work in.

      Peeking around I see the teacher, which is wearing a dress that reminds me of my old kindergarden teacher. She also has a hand made, child-like noodle necklas around her neck. Shes pointing at a child, shaking her finger at him, his back is towards me and i can't see his face. At the exact tempo her finger is bouncing, the child is dancing, against his will, like a puppet. This image disturbs me alot and at his point although I still know I have special powers, i am no longer lucid. A thought of "wow she's more powerful than me" zips through my head and I wake up.

      I manage to use the idea of seeing myelf spinning back into dream and another dream starts. I can't remember anything of the second dream, only a feeling that it was much more intense and hectic, but I don't think it was in any way related to the first one.

      Amazing experience, used to be pretty good at art when I was young, but lost interest in it through my teenage years. Now am thinking about picking it back up to try and re-create these amazing images on paper.

      Anyone who is even slightly interested in LDing, definitly give it a try. I about to try again in a little while from now. 'night.
      Last edited by ConsciousnessObserver; 08-25-2009 at 06:56 AM. Reason: typos/unfinished


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