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    1. #1
      Member Ainsley's Avatar
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      Nov 2009

      I think I had my first LD!

      I want to write it down before I forget.
      I remember alot about the dream, so this is a long post. I probably included details that don't matter at all, but I just went ahead and included everything just in case.

      Last night I stayed up until 2 AM because I was in pain, and I can't sleep when I'm in pain. My mom realized I was still awake and I asked her if I could have a pain pill, so she gave me one and I probably fell asleep around 2:45. I woke up at around 9:30, and I was still really groggy from the pill so I got up, went to the bathroom, and went back to bed.

      Before falling asleep, I tried to remind myself that I was going to be aware in my dream and remember it. While in my dream, I recognized a dream sign and did a reality check. I then realized I was dreaming! I was having a pretty mundane dream, I was in my kitchen talking to my mom when I realized I was dreaming, so I tried going up our stairs. When I was about eight steps from the top, I thought to myself 'I'm going to be transported to the top of the stairs' and then I was! I walked into my room, and since my door doesn't have a lock on it, I pointed to it and thought to myself 'The door will lock'. I tested it a moment later and it was locked.

      The next thing I remember is being in our laundry room, and there were two identical twins standing at the end of the laundry room. They were like in their fifties and blonde and were wearing these tacky knit sweaters. I was a little freaked out so I tried transforming them into different people, but it didn't work. They both kinda made these mean faces and reached out for me, and I was a little scared, so I started spinning in place to try to change my surroundings. This is where it gets kinda foggy and I didn't have as much control over the dream.

      I ended up in the master bathroom of our house. {Just as a note, our master bathroom is like three parts. There's the main area with a door that doesn't lock, and then there's a small toilet area with a door that locks, and a closet with a door that doesn't lock.} I locked the door, which doesn't have a lock on it. It didn't lock as easily as the first one did though, but eventually it locked. I tried to imagine my crush {couldn't help it} appearing when I opened the door of the closet, and he was there. But this is when I kinda lost control of the dream. He was wearing a lightly colored apron and paper hat that kept kinda changing colors, and he said he was auditioning for a role in a movie and wanted to run lines with me. {I do tv/film acting, this is a guy in my acting class, so it wasn't TOO out there I guess.} And he was doing the scene for me and explaining it to me and was really excited about the colors of the bars of soap he was offering me in the scene. It didn't make any sense, but the bars of soap were sort of disguised. Like one of them was actually a bar of soap and the other was actually beer, but the one that looked beer colored and had a more solid consistency turned out to be soap, and the blue one with a more mushy consistency turned out to be beer. I was kinda confused but also excited cause it was my crush.

      Randomly, my acting coach and best friend {who's also in my acting class} appeared and at this point I had little to no control over the dream. It sort of just turned into a dream where I knew I was dreaming, but couldn't do much of anything about it.
      I remember wanting to be alone with my crush, so I was trying to make people leave, and once my acting coach left, I tried to get my best friend to leave but she wouldn't. I tried to lock the door but it didn't lock very easily, and my friend had an actual lock that she tried to put on the door, but she wasn't using it correctly so we were arguing and I finally got it on the door and it held. My acting coach was trying to get back inside, but the lock held for the time being. My friend went into the toilet area of the bathroom and stood quietly, and me and my crush walked into the closet. He was laughing I think, he wasn't saying anything. I couldn't get the closet door to lock, so I took a blue step ladder {which we do have in the closet} and propped it against the door to try to keep people out. After a few moments, my coach burst in the door and as she was on her way to the closet, she started saying how we were in trouble but she was sort of kidding. My crush was laughing and wasn't nervous about her coming in the closet, but for some reason, I was, and began to float up towards the ceiling and the closet got dark.

      Then I woke up!

    2. #2
      Member knecht's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2009
      Dorset, UK
      That's really good

      Why do you only 'think' you had a LD, I'd say that's a fairly certain one! Which reality check did you do?
      Dream Journal - 44 dreams journalled!

      4 lucid dreams / lucid fragments
      0 awesome lucid dreams

      Are you dreaming?

    3. #3
      Member Ainsley's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Haha I'm not sure, I guess because I've never done it before {that I can remember, at least} so I wasn't totally positive?

      And during the day, I've been doing reality checks by pinching my nose and trying to breathe.

    4. #4
      Lucidity is Mine! Conzo's Avatar
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      Oct 2009
      LD Count
      3 DILD
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      Nice job on your first Lucid Dream! Next time when you feel yourself losing lucidity, try rubbing your hands together. For most this stablizes the dream and retains most of their lucidity

      My sig is having issues getting to the right size
      My Dream Journal

    5. #5
      Member Ainsley's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Ou okay! Thanks for the tip!


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