Now, I am about to go to sleep, and I want to have a lucid dream, so I am going to use one of those methods... that I don't quite remember. Just one of those various methods from DreamViews that I read about and have so many words in them that they are made into... what's that called again? Something where a bunch of words which are formed by letters that, in english, represent phenomes-- that is, a sound that can be distinguished, though there seems to be quite a bit of difference between phenomes in English and, say, Chinese, because of the way they are raised, because they are on the otherside of the worl-- hey, I forgot to type a space there. I think I need more practice at typing, though I know that I type better than many people. It must just be that I am so paranoid that I think that everyone is out to get me because I am paranoid... I just said that. Why am I repeating myself? I remember how a friend once told me that he repeated something because he was tired, which means that he needed sleep. I wonder what he dreamed that night. Come to think of it, I am falling asleep, too. Hey! I was trying to concentrate on lucid dreams! Why can't I concentrate? There are all sorts of concentration excercises, though I can't seem to remember any of them at the moment. This concentration thing (was I concentrating on something?) reminds me of how I read a book that had a small fragment... *sigh* I don't rememb.... *snore*

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?