I had never really even considered the possibility of lucid dreaming, however accidentally experiencing a shared lucid dream the other day has opened my eyes to this enjoyable phenomena.
About a week ago, my "brother" (not blood, but we've been friends since we were both freshman in high school and have formed a very close emotional bond with each other) stayed the night at my place. That night, he was in my dream. And I don't know how exactly, but I realized I was dreaming over the course of the dream, and mentioned something about it to the dream-him. I decided that since it was my dream, I could do what I wanted, and decided we should explore the ocean. It was a phenomenal experience.

The next day, he told me about HIS dream. He didn't have the best recall, but it was enough to convince me we shared a dream. We've shared dreams before, but this was the first time I ever went lucid during one, and I can't help but think if we're sharing the dream, and we both manage to go lucid, then maybe the 8 hours of sleep were supposed to get a night won't be quite so much of a waste xD

However, I'm still new to this whole thing. So.... here's to hoping I gain the ability to lucid dream at will, and once i do this hopefully I'll find some way to induce a shared dream ^_^ The emotional bond should make that part easier, although if there were a way to share dreams with anyone and go lucid (and telling the other person that it's a dream might be enough to induce lucid dreaming in the other party... I don't know) then life could get really interesting o_o