Well its been a few nights since I began my attempt at becoming lucid again and so far I have remembered a dream or fragment of one or multiple dreams a day all week. To top it off I have had references to dreaming and lucid dreaming in the last 2 days but they never saw me becoming lucid nor have I done a reality check in my dream yet.

my first reference was one of my best friends sitting opposite to me and saying he wanted to tell me a secret about dreams but the scene changed before I could find out.

The second one had me meeting my grandparents at the bottom of my driveway near a shoddy medieval A-frame tent and we had an unfinished talk about lucid dreaming and the morals behind it (this was a result of day residue from me reading a forum topic about how peoples parents view lucid dreaming and how some say its evil and may conjure demons, to top it off my grandparents are very devout christians but not to that extent)

Anyway I thought id just mention my progress so far.