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    Thread: Hello

    1. #1
      Member Roxy's Avatar
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      Hey, i'm new to the forum as you can see.

      I've got a few questions, but that will come later, i'm gonna introduce myself first

      My name is Bryan, i'm from The Netherlands and i'm 19 years old.
      As some people might say i'm a ''natural lucid dreamer'', because i've realized I was dreaming since I was young. I've always thought it was normal. Anyhow, I think i've been talking with someone about lucid dreaming (I cant remember it), because I was dreaming 3 days ago and I was driveing my mates car.. and I dont have my license yet. So I was getting followed by cops and I stopped near the road. She asked me to show me my license, but I told her no.. so she asked me why, I turned around and realized the car was turned into a bike, I then said to her: ''Because i'm lucid dreaming.'' I somehow got excited and lost it.

      The next day I just had to know what Lucid Dreaming was, because I had never heard of it. So i googled it and came up here. I've been reading alot since.. I even tryed to WILD, twice.

      So the first night I tryed to ''CANWILD'' (CrazyInsane his tutorial) I went to bed at 10:30pm and woke up at 4:00am, unfortunate was that I put my alarm at 4:30am, but that didnt let me down. I turned off the alarm and tryed a normal WILD, I think I had succes, because I got in sleep paralyze! yay! I never made it into a lucid dream though.

      So yesterday evening I tryed the ''CANWILD'' again, I went to bed at 10:30 again, but this time I had put my alarm at 3:30, because before I came to this forum I went to bed at 1:00am everyday. So I thought I just didnt need anymore sleep and thats why I woke up the other day before my alarm went off. Guess what? I woke up at 3:00am, but I was to tired to try to WILD.

      I've been doing RCs in awake life (thats how its called right?) and i'm keeping a dream journal, and I think I can already see progress! The first night I remembered 1 dream. The second night I remembered 3 full dreams and 2 fragments of other dreams wich were really weird and I should've known I was dreaming, lol.

      Now the question, why did I wake up 30 minutes before my alarm went off twice? Is that because thats when my REM ends and i'm to excited to get back to sleep? Because I kind of thought:'' oh shit, I need to get back to sleep or else I cant CANWILD''.
      I'm not giveing up yet though, i'm gonna try another canwild tonight and put my alarm at 3:45 and see how that goes.

      I'm very sory for this long post, and my pretty shitty english
      Thats it for now, thanks for reading and answers!!!

      Last edited by Roxy; 06-14-2010 at 04:46 PM.

    2. #2
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      When ever I put an alarm to wake me up at night for lucid dreaming I usualy wake up a minuite or so before the alarm goes off. Its because your body it antisipating it and we all have amazingly acurate biological clocks. You might find its better to not even use an alarm clock because just wanting to wake up after your REM periods might work. It does for me.

    3. #3
      Member Roxy's Avatar
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      Hey madmonkey,

      I'm going to try it once more with an alarm tonight.. If I wake up before the alarm i'll try without a alarm tomorrow night. Its actually quite funny because when I went to school I never used an alarm and always woke myself up before school time and never came to late.

      Thanks for the advice, its appricated!

    4. #4
      Mud is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by MadMonkey View Post
      When ever I put an alarm to wake me up at night for lucid dreaming I usualy wake up a minuite or so before the alarm goes off. Its because your body it antisipating it and we all have amazingly acurate biological clocks. You might find its better to not even use an alarm clock because just wanting to wake up after your REM periods might work. It does for me.
      Yeah forsure, I always wake up right before it. If someone sets an alarm, I never use one myself/.
      The problem with this that I find, is I often wake up on the hour every hour and don't get a proper sleep.
      But it pays off because it helps with remembering dreams to a point (sometimes makes it harder)
      but also gives a variety of dreams if I don't just decide to go back into the same one.

      I'm always amazed by the internal clock. I never know what time it is when I'm awake.
      Also, sometimes I'll check a clock in a dream before waking myself up and it's usually really close if not exactly the right time when I wake up. That almost freaks me out a bit.

      I have to go do some stuff, but I'm going to search for a time thread when I come back. This has always been a big topic of interest to me.

    5. #5
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      im very new to this and made the wrong post. my apologies
      Last edited by deviousdavis; 06-15-2010 at 07:19 AM.

    6. #6
      Member Roxy's Avatar
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      im very new to this and made the wrong post. my apologies
      Dont worry about it, it happens!

      Mud, thanks for the reply, yesterday evening I tryed it without a alarm, because I was to tired to actually set it. I remember waking up at 6:19 and didnt want to try to WILD because I was quite tired, just because I missed atleast 10 hours of sleep in 2 days because of WILD attempts. Bad thing is indeed, I cant remember a single dream.. arrgh!

      Gonna try without a alarm tonight again, if I dont remember any dreams the next morning again i'm gonna try it with alarm and see what happens then.

      Hope its understandable, lol.



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