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    1. View Conversation
      Hope you get out of your dry spell
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      limoooooon FTW
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      Hey man, hope school is going well! Better see more of you around in December break
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      Hey buddy, just checking on ya. Hope all is well! I've made some great progress this past week. I'm doing a mix of MILD and WILD I came up with while reading ETWOLD. It's been tougher than I thought to meet up with Goku though haha, I think next time I will be able to see him hopefully.
    5. View Conversation
      Monkey! It seems like we're still connected in one way or another... as in it seems like we've both been slacking pretty bad these past two weeks! My recall hasn't been great due to poor journaling and school getting in the way... but anyways, let's try to keep active man!
    6. View Conversation
      Good stuff, MM! Killing it! I just read up on SSILD and it sounds incredibly like what I used to do unintentionally. It gave me a good many lucids so I think I'll have to try actively practice it. I'll have to make time to read your journal soon
    7. View Conversation
      Hi, MadMonkey! Thanks for the welcome. How are you doing these days?! What's new?
    8. View Conversation
      Just wondering. How come you don't just put your scores for the Spellbee comp in your journal? I use it as a short cut to copy & paste to the comp page. Am I missing something here? Maybe you found an even easier one, lol.
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      Thanks for the warm welcome.
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    View MadMonkey's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 7

    by MadMonkey on 04-05-2024 at 04:47 PM
    I had two long semi-lucids. I did my best to get points but I waited over an hour before journaling so I hope I didn't forget about any tasks I completed.

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 7 (DILD) 04.05.2024

    I am in school and I open my textbook to find notes from a prior student that are all about some sort of fantasy world parallel to our own.I become lucid from this and start reading the notes. The teacher tells me to focus on the class but I don't. (I could have gone with my goal to get a good grade in dream school but I wasn't lucid enough to remember that.) The dream transitions to me being part of a super hero team. I show them the notes and they dismiss it as unimportant.

    I feel a bit more lucid and feel like doing a reality check so I use telekinesis on a rock and make it fly into my right hand. It is a shiny red stone. I learn from the text book a bunch of new powers that I want to try. I summon a star wars speader and the dream transitions to that one Mos Eisley map from the original Star Wars Battlefront 2. The other super heros are disagreeing with me using my new powers. I wake up.

    I laid in bed trying to remmeber my dream form about half an hour before WILDing back into the dream in Mos Eisley.

    After the dream forms I teleport to the parallel world. At some point I summoned a lightsaber. Man I wish I could remember more but that's all I got!

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 5

    by MadMonkey on 04-03-2024 at 05:39 PM
    Spring Competition 2024 Night 5 (DILD) 04.01.2024

    I am in a lucid dream where I am at some sort of amusement park and there is a bad lady mind controlling the workers. I go and use mind control to free some workers minds and then we spread out to free the other workers. It changes from an amusement park into a convenience store.

    After that I laid in bed for like an hour which is why I remember so few details of the lucid.
    lucid , dream fragment

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 3

    by MadMonkey on 04-01-2024 at 04:49 PM
    I did a short WBTB and it got me a short lucid

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 3 (DEILD) 04.01.2024

    I started the dream lucid as the dream was forming. I was in a city flying around and I knew a nuke was going to go off in 15 minutes. I flew down and found a bunch of soldiers that I knew I was fighting with. There was a display case that apparently had a button that could stop the nuke but non of my dream powers were working to break the glass or use telekinesis on the button.

    I give up on the button and explore a bit. I summon two glocks but somehow know they are airsoft guns. I want to shoot someone on full auto with them because it would be funny but I wake up before I get the courage to do it.

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 3

    by MadMonkey on 04-01-2024 at 04:49 PM
    I did a short WBTB and it got me a short lucid

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 3 (DEILD) 04.01.2024

    I started the dream lucid as the dream was forming. I was in a city flying around and I knew a nuke was going to go off in 15 minutes. I flew down and found a bunch of soldiers that I knew I was fighting with. There was a display case that apparently had a button that could stop the nuke but non of my dream powers were working to break the glass or use telekinesis on the button.

    I give up on the button and explore a bit. I summon two glocks but somehow know they are airsoft guns. I want to shoot someone on full auto with them because it would be funny but I wake up before I get the courage to do it.

    Spring Competition 2024 Night 2

    by MadMonkey on 03-31-2024 at 06:20 PM
    I didn't really wake up during my 5am WBTB. I might need to make my alarm later in the morning. My dreams have been very challenging to dream journal lately from forgetting it all at the last minute of waking up and the dreams being very unusual. This time I will do my best to journal the whole dream. Maybe if I journal more for the comp my dreams will become more logical.

    SpringCompetition 2024 Night 2 (NLD) 03.31.2024

    I am visiting Japan with one my nephews, two friends, and a DC girl that in the dream I had a crush on but doesn't exist in my real life. We have a really nice AirBNB. It has Japanese style achitecture. We make ourselves at home and find that the shared quarters have a Karate dojo in the middle of it. There is a retro style video game that is somehow connected to the plot. Like maybe we are there for a tournament or confrence for the game and the AirBNB is paid for by the game company. We play the game for a while and it is a side scrolling platformer. It's pretty fun!

    An official person comes to our AirBNB and says we did something against the rules in the game. They say that they are there to punish us. There is a long conversation where I try to figure out why they are here interspersed with scenes in the future of us being tortured! My nephew then finds blood on the floor at the corner of the dojo mat. I tell my nephew someone probably got hurt sparring but he things we are all doomed.

    Updated 03-31-2024 at 06:27 PM by MadMonkey
