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    1. #1
      Tha Mac Attack! Connermac's Avatar
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      Exclamation Does radical environment change affect LDing?

      Hey guys, my family has been in the middle of a cross-country move lately, so I haven't been able to log on or post lately. We moved from Tennessee to Texas, into a smaller house. I went from being surrounded by mountains and living in a multistory house in a suburban area to a one story house in a rural environment. Could the stress, as well as the radical change of my surroundings be affecting my ability to LD? I'm still working on my first, and my reality checks are near habitual, but nothing seems to be triggering the dream. It may be a day or two before I can check back. I won't have internet at my house for a while, I'm sitting in a parking lot tapping into an office wi-fi. Thanks!
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    2. #2
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      Samael's Avatar
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      Your stress levels can affect your ability to LD, for sure. It's not necessarily the change in surroundings - I still have dreams about all the places I've lived - as it is about your reaction to those changes.

      Keep a dream journal, even if it's just in a notebook, and keep RCing. Give it time, get comfortable in your surroundings, and you'll get the hang of it again.

      You might want to consider meditating, as well.

      I pick up a half-eaten copy of a book by Neil Gaiman, and decide this is all his fault.

    3. #3
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      It does for me, when I sleep anywhere other than my bed, I usually lucid dream.

    4. #4
      Life through love LucidSleeperCel's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      It does for me, when I sleep anywhere other than my bed, I usually lucid dream.
      Huh, really? Anywhere OTHER than your bed? I've never heard of that from anyone, so would you recommend somebody to sleep somewhere other than their bed?
      What's the point of having bed then? haha
      "If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come." - Arapaho

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      Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
      - Cherokee

      "Everyone who is successful must have dreamed of something." - Maricopa

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