I suppose I would.
No. 1 reason of virus infections: Incompetent user. (Not saying it's always that, just usually)

Mean it's unlike you to get all mad and stuff over this and use the self narrative rhetoircal-question technique.
Well that would be unlike me (not sure though how you can say that with any certainty from my very limited postcount. Unlike people with several thousand posts where you often can get their whole psychological profile ), if that was the case. I didn't get mad or upset though, if it came out as that then it wasn't my intention. As for the rhetorical question, it just seemed fitting.
Yep, my bad.

Mozilla: 19083 results.
Internet Explorer: 4370 results.

Internet Explorer wins the number game. (Didn't search IE and plus them together to get the sameish number though, I am too lazy (9000 extra)). Yet, IE gives us all the viruses. Hmm.
Would have searched for IE myself but such a short term will often get a lot of false positives so I would have to go through a few pages and get the general frequency of those to get an accurate number. Didn't think it was worth it.

As for the viruses/worms/trojan it's probably mostly the same as the reason for windows-users getting them.

Disclaimer: Any lack of coherency in this post is mostly due to the fact that I'm tired.