This topic isn't for the squeamish! I'm not talking about that one you heard last night, which you just told your friend today, right before saying, "I guess you had to be there." No! I am talking about a supernatural occurrence. Something that was so impossibly funny that the persistent urge to giggle could power a city. Scholary investigation would reveal one of the universe's watershed events that violated the conservation of energy, and would only make it funnier. Prolonged study would cause adverse health effects, such the desire sit down and die. I want a near-death experience. I want to hear a joke where you found God.

Since such a joke's essence would discernably puncture the fabric of spacetime, it can't be reproduced in any event, and must be contained by the timeless vacuum of consciousness. However, be advised of the uncertain functional limitations of this forum. Do not blame me if you don't laugh or cease to exist.

"Surely you can't be serious!"

"I am serious, and don't call me Shirly."