I was wondering if anyone else has this specifc sensation.

When strangers are telling me specifc things to do, or when I'm at a optometrist appointment, and the doctor is telling me things like, "ok now look over here behind my shoulder, good"

I start getting this tingly vibrations all over my body, and I start to feel very very heavy. All my arms and legs feel very heavy. And I get this wonderful tingling vibrations all over me. and I feel a bit chilly. As a sensation I enjoy this more than anything else, more than orgasms.

I my sister says she has had the same sensation before, and that it was similar to hypnotism. However, she didn't get it hardly as much as I do. I have always thought that I would be very easily hypnotized because I can start feeling this sensation so quickly all the time. I love it. My mom says that she heard from a doctor that the more white on your eyes when you look back at your head means you can be more easily hypnotized. I rolled my eyes back (you can't help with your hands) to look back at my head, and I could roll them back much farther with more white, then anybody in my family...

I was wondering if anyone else has felt this sensation before, and if anyone knew anything about it. plus how would you rate this sensation on a scale of 1-10, it's a ten for me.