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    1. #51
      On the woad to wuin R.D.735's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2005
      Mostly in my right hemisphere


      Name: Rachel
      Age: 19
      Sex: female
      Location: Texas, USA
      Height: 5' 5"
      Weight: 150 lbs
      Eye Colour: brown
      Tell me something obvious about you: If it's obvious, then why say it?
      Tell me something about you that many don't know: I like people in general.
      What is your biggest fear: Losing my credibility
      Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut: Safe route!
      Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money: Discipline
      What is your most treasured possession: My computer, definitely
      What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often: I fear the scorn of others and think I'm judged harshly
      What is your favorite lie to tell: "I'm fine."
      Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again: I had the most incredible LD a few months ago. Can't wait!
      Are you the jealous type: No
      What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to: The internet
      What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you: My parents are helping me with paying for college
      If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be:
      When was the last time you cried: About a year ago
      When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered: About two years ago
      Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on: Never!
      What time do you wake up in the mornings: Seven o'clock...or 7:30
      Gold or Silver: Silver
      What was the last film you saw at the cinema: The Simpsons Movie
      Who would you hate to be left in a room with: Anyone as shy as me
      What is your middle name: Don't h
      ave one
      Beach, City or country: The beach, definitely. Especially in Hawaii
      Favorite colour: Red
      What characteristics do you despise: Hubris above all else. Argh!
      Can you Juggle: No, but I can wiggle my ears.
      What did you do for your last birthday: Nothing

    2. #52
      Rebel Le@der Idec Sdawkminn's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      Where angels lose their way.
      Alright, here we go.

      Age:24 years, 8 months, 16 days, 6 hours, 30 minutes and 10 seconds when I typed the word "seconds".
      Location:Junction City, Oregon, United States. Population 4,500.
      Height:5'9". 69 inches. 1.7526 meters.
      Weight:I fluctuate between 137 and 143 lbs. 62.14215469 to 64.86370891 kg.
      Eye Colour:Brown.
      Shoe Size:9 1/2.
      Tell me something obvious about you:I'm skinny.
      Tell me something about you that many don't know:Whenever I see someone barefoot, I imagine stomping on their feet as hard as I can with my boots on just because it would be probably the worst thing I could do. Even more so if the person is really nice or old and I am on really good terms with them.
      What is your biggest fear:Hmm. Good question. I don't really think about any of my fears. I guess dying.
      Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut:Short cut unless it is illegal.
      Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money:That really narrows the list down. I guess my choices are pretty few, then. So I'll say love.
      What is your most treasured possession:My imagination.
      What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often:I have trouble standing up for myself. 2nd thing would be putting things off and having things go wrong because of it.
      Tell me something sexually about you that I don't know:Wow, that's a lot. There's really nothing sexually about me that any of you know. Where do I start? Well, I'm straight in case you guys didn't know. I'm not a real fan of doggy-style because I can't see her face and it feels like I'm dominating her and only caring for my pleasure. I very, very, rarely even think sexual thoughts unless I happen to see something pornographic or I'm about to have sex. I only like doing it a few times a week. I'm really into bondage, but not for dominating, more for teasing.
      Tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows:Pretty much everyone knows the above now.
      What is your favorite lie to tell:I don't have a favorite. I don't lie a whole lot. I only lie when I really don't care if the person knows the truth or if it will get me out of trouble and I know I won't be caught.
      Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again:Have a girlfriend.
      Are you the jealous type:Yes. But I'll usually just be silently jealous and become distant.
      What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to:Movies.
      What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you:My parents raised me and bought all kinds of stuff for me, gave me a place to live, provided food and entertainment and transportation and love and support and advice and cared for me until I moved out. They still attempt to do a lot of those but I'm kind of a hermit.
      If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be:Could and would are different things. There are tons of crazy things I could do, but it doesn't mean I would do them. If there was a crazy thing I could do that I would do now, what would it be? I'd have already done it if it was something I would do.
      When was the last time you cried:Hmm, I'm going to say sometime around June 18 of this year. My ex-girlfriend had got with some other guy and I just couldn't bear seeing them together, especially knowing that the reason she was with him and not me was because the kind of affection I gave her was not the kind she needed and she felt like I didn't like her.
      When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered:Hmm, most of the time I'm in a state of mind where nothing else matters, but it's not due to feeling so good. Last time I felt really good was...probably when I got some computer code that I had been working on for a while to work correctly.
      Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on:Absolutely. I walk shirtless to the store when it's hot. No one has ever said anything, but if someone did complain, which would be highly unlikely, I'd just complain about them wearing one.
      Name something embarrassing you did while being drunk:I've only been drunk once and that experience has made me decide never to drink again. I was following a co-worker's instructions, though his instructions didn't include being on an empty stomach. I put 2 cups of grape juice into a glass. I put in 2 shots of Everclear (this stuff is 190 proof, people), and drank it as fast as I could. The taste was absolutely HORRIBLE, so I quickly reached for some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to take the taste away. I ended up throwing up a lot that night. I was alone in my apartment, too. It was kinda cool walking through the house with everything seeming to have a really bad framerate, though. Now if I even taste a tiny bit of alcohol or so much as smell it, I feel a little sick to my stomach.
      What time do you wake up in the mornings:Usually around 8.
      Gold or Silver:Gold. It's worth more.
      What was the last film you saw at the cinema:The Bourne Ultimatum. Awesome.
      Who would you hate to be left in a room with:Probably my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend, though we have a fair amount of similar interests that would probably come up. He's a computer geek like me. When he was staying here before she moved out, I made this little semi-harmless computer virus. It's semi-harmless because it pretty much prevents you from doing ANYTHING on the computer, but once it's gone, it's like it was never on there. It doesn't ruin anything or delete anything. I put that on her computer through our home network and loved having him unknowingly beta-test it for me. Good times.
      What is your middle name:Michael.
      Beach, City or country:Beach sounds cool, but so does country. I live in a more country area than anything else. My ideal area would be a large house on top of a hill surrounded by a dead forest.
      Favorite colour:Blue, then Green, then Black.
      What characteristics do you despise:When people ignore me, don't listen to me, unintelligent, pushy, bossy, intend to cause pain or hurt feelings, braggy.
      Can you Juggle:I haven't tried since high school. Not so well.
      Red or White wine:Neither. I won't drink. Both are disgusting.
      What did you do for your last birthday:Hmm. That's a good question. Laura was still around then. Um. My Myspace blog doesn't hint at anything. Crap. What did I do? I probably just went to my parents' house.
      Last edited by Idec Sdawkminn; 09-13-2007 at 02:56 AM.

      DILDs: 1
      ESTP - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving

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