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    Thread: animal cruelty

    1. #26
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      Quote Originally Posted by O'nus View Post
      The crucial point here ought to be to focus on the people doing these things and why they are doing them. The focus should not be on making vapid policies that will easily be ignored by someone who is willing to skin animals alive. Instead, investigate the reasons for why they are doing these awful acts and remove the incentive.

      What do you think...?

      Maybe it's rules to the job? maybe they like it that way because they like suffering? who knows what it is. Kill them first, and fast before you do anything. I can't really say anything because i eat meat, but i can be against the suffering.

    2. #27
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      ^^ Well someone mentioned cuz it's cheaper. I really don't see the cheapness in skinning something alive though. Maybe the people who do it are of the firm belief that animals don't feel pain and things like that.

    3. #28
      Bio-Turing Machine O'nus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by LucidFlanders View Post
      Maybe it's rules to the job?
      Thanks to the animal movements, can you find a job where it is necessary to deliberately make an animal suffer?

      maybe they like it that way because they like suffering? who knows what it is.
      Then we ought to foucs on the individual commiting the act, not policies that would mean nothing to a sadistic animal killer.

      Kill them first, and fast before you do anything. I can't really say anything because i eat meat, but i can be against the suffering.
      You can still eat and kill animals in a way that does not make them suffer. I will eat animals and have no problem about it. However, I do have a problem with animals being tortured for no reason.

      Quote Originally Posted by Mes Tarrant
      ^^ Well someone mentioned cuz it's cheaper.
      Then what ought to be done is a policy set forth so that all skin/fur companies have a specific device to do the skinning/killing (that is, of course, civil and passes PETA approval) and if the companies do not have them, tax them heavily each month. Something like that perhaps..?


    4. #29
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      I say bomb them heavily each month.

      I don't see why we need these companies at all. The reason for cruelty usually is money. Old fashioned furriers didn't (usually) behave in such ways; save for the exceptional sicko; in which case just eliminate him.

      Onus you're idea is a good one, but there is not enough interest to do such a thing. As it is, animal experimentation labs are hardly ever inspected if at all. It is a "do whatever you want" type of deal in all animal related industry. It must come down; but sadly the only realistic way to do this is through boycott; as people would "die" without their precious comforts. Education is king here in any case.
      Last edited by Never; 01-04-2008 at 02:40 PM.

    5. #30
      Theoretically Impossible Idolfan's Avatar
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      I think animal cruelty is a really terrible thing but sometimes it's important for scientific and medicinal study, which from what I've heard can same tousands of lives. From what people are saying in the thread however that it's useless anyway I say to hell with it and yes, bomb them heavily each month. I don't know who to trust that's whi I give both opinions .

    6. #31
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      Quote Originally Posted by Idolfan View Post
      I think animal cruelty is a really terrible thing but sometimes it's important for scientific and medicinal study, which from what I've heard can same tousands of lives. From what people are saying in the thread however that it's useless anyway I say to hell with it and yes, bomb them heavily each month. I don't know who to trust that's whi I give both opinions .
      Maybe in a lab using needles but not what those bafoons(sp) do. You learn nothing when you torture animals, just hear them scream and squeel in pain. What animals feel is the exact same thing people feel so really....if those guys are against human suffering and they make animals suffer they are fuckin big ass hypocrites. Why make an animal suffer? and what makes humans above getting suffered when we are the main reason for suffering in the first place. I'm not going to say we don't suffer, we easily suffer FAR more then animals. There really is no difference between human, and animal suffering, just they are defenseless and don't know what's happening, and we do because we are smarter, and more evolved and know these things.
      They just know what's happening to them now....massive pain.

      Is it so hard to stop suffering worldwide? probably is because it turns people on untill it happens to them. I'm against any suffering...animal, human, insect, mamal, whatever. I tend to feel the pain of the ones suffering because i have been there already and know how it feels, or maybe i havn't been there but i know what suffering feels like.

      I eat meat and will continue to eat meat. I know how the world works, you just gotta learn to deal with it and accept it even if you don't agree with it. You may change your life around, but you surely wont change the world, even if these become laws against animal cruelty you will still have some idiots ignoring them and doing it anyway silently. I'm fine with an animal death IF it's quick and painless, same with a human death. Death is part of living, to be against it is to be in denial.

      Stop the suffering, do it quick and painless or you should suffer 10x's worse then the one you made suffer. This is why i'm sick of people, with all this bullcrap that goes on when it doesn't even have to. One person can't change the world, but everybody can change the world.

    7. #32
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      Not for the light-hearted:

      Spoiler for :

    8. #33
      Bio-Turing Machine O'nus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Never View Post
      I say bomb them heavily each month.
      lol, please keep humour in this joke;

      That is a very American thing to say.


    9. #34
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      I would be insulted if not for the wit, lol.

    10. #35
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      who cares? if they arent smart enough to run away from mass slaughter houses after watching multiple other animals die then they kind of deserve it
      "everything in life must come to an end, preferably in a humongous explosion"

    11. #36
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jdog View Post
      who cares? if they arent smart enough to run away from mass slaughter houses after watching multiple other animals die then they kind of deserve it

    12. #37
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      lmao wtf...

    13. #38
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      Didn't watch the video - no interest in it either. You seen one, you seen 'em all.

      So far, it looks like everyone is on the same page as far as being against the "suffering" aspect. The gray area lies between the justified suffering and recreational suffering.

      Surely I'm not proposing that suffering can be 'justified" - but in the case of lab testing animals, one could make a good argument that "it will save lives". Well sure, but that would imply the life of one creature being more meaningful and important than another.
      "We could cure this disease you got, but we'll have to torture a couple of these mice first."
      What would your response be then? Honestly.

      There's no shame in saying, "go ahead" - because the law of nature (the same law these very same animals adhere to) is survival of the fittest. They would have you killed in a heartbeat to save themselves.
      Note: this does not apply to personal or family pets, as they develop an emotional bond and we've all heard stories about how they lay down their lives for us.

      Now, as for the recreational suffering - that is something that (as far as I know) is strictly a human mutation. No other animal kills or tortures for the sport of it. That's where we as a species are separated from all other creatures on earth. All you vegans/vegetarians can do whatever you want to make yourself feel better about not participating in the slaughtering and processing of meat - but you are just as capable of the killing of another living creature as any other human. You'd simply do it as a last resort. We would eat each other to survive if it came down to it.

      Killing for food is one thing - but torturing and causing suffering upon another is a psychological malfunction. There is no survival value to it. It's either something done in hate, revenge, or the sickest of purposes - pleasure.

    14. #39
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      Quote Originally Posted by Never View Post
      lmao wtf...

      Yeah really, like animals are really going to now what's going on, and that they are next. They just see animals takin away to the factory.
      It would be like gathering people together for some type of flu shot, then what happens behind closed doors we don't now because we aren't there and BAM we are killed, of course it will have to be quick and painless or you will hear screams and GTFOuta there.

    15. #40
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      I think the worst part is those damn orientals who still think that a tiger's penis is an aphrodisiac. I don't want to be racist or anything, but these people have no conception of wildlife conservation. To them, the rarer and more exotic an animal is, the more valuable it is and the more justified you are to kill it.

    16. #41
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jdog View Post
      who cares? if they arent smart enough to run away from mass slaughter houses after watching multiple other animals die then they kind of deserve it
      Are you fucking kidding me. No I don't want to go there.

      What do you mean deserve it?

      One day - you see someone get shot, so you've seen someone get killed. The next day, someone shoots you in the head. So answer this, did you deserve it?

      I hope something like this happens to you, so you know exactly how it feels.

    17. #42
      I love cuddling!! cuddleyperson's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xox View Post
      Are you fucking kidding me. No I don't want to go there.

      What do you mean deserve it?

      One day - you see someone get shot, so you've seen someone get killed. The next day, someone shoots you in the head. So answer this, did you deserve it?

      I hope something like this happens to you, so you know exactly how it feels.
      .........how's he gonna feel it when he's just been shot in the head?
      Lugggs and cuddles and hugs for all!!

    18. #43
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      Quote Originally Posted by cuddleyperson View Post
      .........how's he gonna feel it when he's just been shot in the head?
      I'm not here to debate beliefs.

      But I hope* he would.

    19. #44
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      lol hostility. you sound like this vegitarian girl who went to my old school. any time the school served any kind of meat she would flip out and start screaming at the lunch people and trying to disturb the general lunch service.

      ile be completley honest when i tell you that i dont give a flying fuck about what happens to animals. if there is a god or karma or anything of that sort the folks that are cruel to animals will get what they deserve. Im content with that thought, excessive animal cruelty is wrong but people always have and always will be cruel to animals beacause animals are a lot easier to abuse than humans.

      now im not one of these freaks who is cruel to animals (please dont acuse me of such a horendous act) i realy love my 2 dogs and would tear someone up for injuring them in any intentional way. but that still does not change the fact that i would chose my own life over my pet's life any day. please dont claim though that you wish i would die beacause i dont care about what other people do to animals.

      and since ile be a marine at the end of this year it is likley i will be shot at and possibly killed. do i deserve it? maybe i do, but hey someone's gotta bite the bullet and i would only ask that you show me a decent amount of respect should i die. k thx
      Last edited by Jdog; 01-09-2008 at 02:33 AM.
      "everything in life must come to an end, preferably in a humongous explosion"

    20. #45
      USA Xox is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jdog View Post
      lol hostility. you sound like this vegitarian girl who went to my old school. any time the school served any kind of meat she would flip out and start screaming at the lunch people and trying to disturb the general lunch service.

      ile be completley honest when i tell you that i dont give a flying fuck about what happens to animals. if there is a god or karma or anything of that sort the folks that are cruel to animals will get what they deserve. Im content with that thought, excessive animal cruelty is wrong but people always have and always will be cruel to animals beacause animals are a lot easier to abuse than humans.

      now im not one of these freaks who is cruel to animals (please dont acuse me of such a horendous act) i realy love my 2 dogs and would tear someone up for injuring them in any intentional way. but that still does not change the fact that i would chose my own life over my pet's life any day. please dont claim though that you wish i would die beacause i dont care about what other people do to animals.

      and since ile be a marine at the end of this year it is likley i will be shot at and possibly killed. do i deserve it? maybe i do, but hey someone's gotta bite the bullet and i would only ask that you show me a decent amount of respect should i die. k thx
      I apologize for saying that, after hearing "They kinda deserve it" I flipped.

      Whatever the case is, it is one thing to not care for animals, it is another for thinking they deserve to die.

    21. #46
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      Quote Originally Posted by cuddleyperson View Post
      .........how's he gonna feel it when he's just been shot in the head?
      He wont feel it, but they can survive it. Most of the time you die, few times you survive but are face fucked for life.

    22. #47
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      You have no idea how much that video makes my blood boil. That is some of the sickest stuff I have ever seen in my life. I think that video needs to be shown on national television in every country we can get it to play. If the world knew what was really going on, the fur industry would take a big time nose dive, which it damn well deserves and should have.

      If the U.S. were to use its power to somehow try to stop this, who all would be against that and start talking about "sovereign nation" and "imposing our will on another country"? When I think of what the Hussein regime was doing to the humans of Iraq, I have images like that. Shit like that has no place in this world, and the entire world should come together to stamp it out. I am so pissed off right now I don't even know what else to say.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    23. #48
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      Welcome to reality.
      Animal cruelty was happening before humans even existed. Those Chinese aren't being cruel because they enjoy it, they're just trying to meet their quota so they can go home and feed their families.

      Don't be mad at them for doing their best to survive, be mad at our society for making their jobs necessary.


      If it came down to it I would gladly stomp on a hundred live kitten's heads to feed my offspring. Quit being so self righteous, we have to get our meat and fur from somewhere; its a whole lot cheaper for companies to not give a fuck about how the animal feels. They have to keep their meat/fur cheap or we wouldn't buy from them.

      In most foreign countries the money we pay for such services are all that keeps many families alive. I'm sure these PETA bastards would rather have kids whoring themselves off on the street or something.

    24. #49
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      Quote Originally Posted by BillyBob View Post
      Welcome to reality.
      Animal cruelty was happening before humans even existed. Those Chinese aren't being cruel because they enjoy it, they're just trying to meet their quota so they can go home and feed their families.

      Don't be mad at them for doing their best to survive, be mad at our society for making their jobs necessary.


      If it came down to it I would gladly stomp on a hundred live kitten's heads to feed my offspring. Quit being so self righteous, we have to get our meat and fur from somewhere; its a whole lot cheaper for companies to not give a fuck about how the animal feels. They have to keep their meat/fur cheap or we wouldn't buy from them.

      In most foreign countries the money we pay for such services are all that keeps many families alive. I'm sure these PETA bastards would rather have kids whoring themselves off on the street or something.
      It is not that they are killing animals. It is that they are beating, stomping, and skinning them while they are alive and putting them in absolutely unbearable pain. There is no excuse for it. Torturing the shit out of animals is not the only job in China. I'm not buying it.

      And I do blame the American companies for paying for that evil for their own gains. I also blame the fur wearers who know it is going on.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    25. #50
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      I have been vegan for the past six months. I consider it to be vegan in relation to the fact that I have eliminated all dairy from my diet as well as maintaining a lifestyle that does not contribute to the subjugation of other animals. I realize that it is virtually impossible to completely to do this 100% but I feel positive about the effort that I do make.
      What a long, strange trip it's been.

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