
I really want to like you Ps3, I really do!

I plan to buy a Ps3 around this holiday, or after. Of those games, I was planning to purchase Haze.

Haze is another First Person Shooter in which, you are thrown into a world where you have to save it from a drug infested/politically corrupt government.

People flipped shits at graphics, and the storyline. It was expected to be great. I paid attention to it, seeing if it would be good.

I forgot about it for a while, and then saw something about it on Kotaku.

Kotaku said it sucked.
IGN.com gave it a 4.5.
Gameinformer gave it a 6.5 (second opinion at 5.75)

Feel free to search for a good review about it, but after going through 3 reviews, I got the idea.

For christ's sake, I'm not buying a Playstation 3 until there are at least 5 good exclusives for the system.