Hello, my name is night_watcher and I am a Boy Scout.

Why is Scouting so taboo, at least in my community? For me to say I'm a Life Scout (which in US Scouting, is one rank below the highest of Eagle) is like saying I'm an alcoholic....I get a range of snickers to not caring. Fine, fine, but why?

First, this week the Boy Scouts of America (or BSA for short) is celebrating 99 years. But for being in existence this long, I have yet ran into anyone that understands what the organization does. Well, we certainly don't help old ladies across the street, but rather we try to instill an ideal into the impressionable minds of boys. We also do community service and actually TRY to improve the world one good deed at a time instead of sitting on our butts and complain.

So, this thread is two-fold! First, to celebrate 99 years. Second, I want to hear what people think of when they hear of Scouting and why.