Most people do not know what therianthropy is. So, here is a small explanation:

"Therianthropy, besides its original use as a term to describe situations and creatures that occur in mythology and folklore, is also used for therians. Therians believe that they have an intrinsic, personal, and integral connection to an animal (or animals). Most believe that mental and emotional shifts can occur as a result"
"Persons who belong to that community are called therianthropes or therians and believe that while they have a human body, some important part of their mind, identity, or spirit is that of a non human animal."
So a therian is in short someone who believes that some aspect about themselves is a non-human animal. And no, therians do not believe that physical transformation into an animal is possible.

While I do not consider myself to be a therian, at least at this point in my life, I have always identified closely with animals. It seems that I can experience what multiple animals feel in body. For example, my arms might feel as if they should be wings or I might get the sensation of wanting to pin my ears back in response to anger of fear. I would assume that these feelings feel like a lighter version of phantom limbs (something that is experienced in amputees).

And while I have experienced what seems to be multiple animals, I most frequently experience the bodily feelings of what I believe to be equines and canines.

The idea of therianthropy seems like it would apply to me in some aspects, but the idea also seems very odd. Perhaps I am experiencing a type of empathy for animals rather than the animal being ME.

While I am an atheist, I have always been a very spiritual person when it comes to the natural world and feel that therianthropy is a possible concept. I'm curious what others think about it. But it is never surprising to me that people see therianthropy as... odd and sometimes ridiculous.

But nonetheless, comments are appreciated!