Well I have seen a lot of posts on people contemplating taking vitamin supplements for dreaming and I wanted to post my experience.

Last night for the first time I used vitamin B6 and Tryptophan. The vitamin i used was a 100mg dosage from a grocery store. Cost about $8.29 for 100 pills. As for the Tryptophan I got my intake of that through cheese, namely cheddar cheese. As stated on the Supplement Repo sticky some good sources are:
"Vitamin Supplements
Green and leafy vegetables
Whole grains

So before bed I took a 100mg dosage with about as much cheddar cheese as can fit in your hand(I also had some bean cheese burritos for dinner coincidentally. The results, to say the least were beyond just noticeable.

That night I did only have two dreams (my mean is around 3.5). But they were two of the most epic dreams I have ever experienced. Without getting into too much detail one of the dreams I had lasted two days dream time, and was far more vivid that any other *non lucid* I have had. And the other was likewise, I can remember both like I just woke from it.

I was very skeptical myself about taking any kind of drug for dream purposes and I am not condoning regular/daily use, I myself will be doing such on occasion. But for anyone thinking about trying it I had much success with this combination!
