So I had my second "lucid" dream last night (two in as many nights in a row!), I say "lucid" because I'm not 100% positive if I was fully aware or just dreaming about dream control.

Anyway so I'm in this gigantic hotel lobby thing, a very large rectangular room (about 500 feet long, 100 feet wide) with circular couches in the middle and tables and chairs taking up the rest of the floor space. The ceiling was about 20 stories up, and for every floor there was a walkway balcony thing that ran around the entire perimeter of the lobby. The walls were brick. The color scheme in this dream was centered around pink or red.

I kind of walked around for a moment, then I saw this guy I know from my automotive class sitting on one of the half-circle couches. I go over and talk to him for a few minutes (I remember nothing of the dialogue), then all of the sudden I get hit with this slight feeling of "Wait a second. I'm dreaming again. Awesome." I don't actually remember what triggered the awareness, if anything.

So I stop in mid-sentence, look upward, thinking to myself "Hmmm, what would be cool to try?" And then every window (the hundreds of upper-floor windows, and all the massive windows on the lobby floor), every window in the building exploded. It was all cool and slow-motiony, and the millions of glass shards hung in the air above me in the most epic way. I don't remember anything after that.

This was my first dream of the night, fairly early in my REM cycle, and everything was kind of blurry, although the part where I became aware of the dream was a little more vivid.

So yeah, as of the past two days, I've had one LD each night! Optimism seems to be the key!