Alright I haven't been on this forum in forever because i've had little success, but i've been patient and recalling my dreams, so a few weeks back i had another DILD. Enjoy:

Me and my friend were chasing this old man and his accomplice, for they had stolen my money from my wallet, and we were running on the side of this giant creek. All of the sudden i got this feeling of dejavu, that I had followed him this same route and they had gotten away on a boat. So all of the sudden I changed my route and jumped off the side into the creek and swam to their boat. They were just getting in it when i got there, and i tipped it over and they fell into the water. The old man was suprising very strong and began to choke me and push me under the water so i couldn't breathe, and i was attempting to do the same to him.
Lucid Moment: I was almost drowned, when i had a eureka moment and realized it doesn't matter if i die, I'm only dreaming!
I had this sensation of my eyes shifting into my character where i'd see in first person, for in normal dreams i see in third person. Everything started spinning and all of the sudden I was in this room, all empty, and Two ancient doors stood in front of me (they weren't seperate, but part of the same entrance).

I opened them, and fell into a very odd room. The ground level was very off, slanted if that makes any sense. I awkwardly made my way up to a door and opened it, to find a bathroom. I felt this would serve as a good test. Flickered lights on and off, nothing changed. Then, I hesitantly looked into the mirror. Staring back at me looked like a scary orc face from something off of lord of the rings. I did a double take, got creeped out, and left the bathroom. I went into the main room of the house.
There was some furniture, a kitchen area, and a dining room table by the corner, which had these giant windows and on the other side were these very tall trees. On the dining room table was a sign that said "Sean (thats me) don't go in the woods" I took note of it, but didnt investigate further. Then these black dogs came in, claiming to be my servants. All of the sudden, they told me they had to kill me. So i summoned up a lightsaber and fought them off of me. It didnt work well though, for they backed away every time it got near them. So me, tired of fighting, told them to go make me a sandwhich. And they did! I went over by the couch and my friend Dylan was there chilling out. I told him this is awesome, I'm lucid dreaming. He said "I know."

I back we're I came from, eager to see beyond the house, and i found an office storage area with tons of cabinets and files, paper everywhere. I went to open a door to go outside, or somewhere else, when I started to feel the sensation of waking up. I became dissapointed, for one of my lucid goals is to fly, and tried to not wake up, but it was too late. and Alas, there you have it! My second lucid dream