• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member pcmsurf's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2004

      Reality Checks Failed?

      i had a kinda scary dream just a while ago

      i knew it was a dream so i keep trying to prove to myself that it was by turning on lights and sticking my hands through the walls

      the lights would come on (weird) but still i knew i was in a dream and would try and say go lucid and stuff

      then i put my hands through the wall at first they would not go and it felt like reality but i just kept telling myself im dreaming

      then my hands went all the way through and i walked through and said im dreaming but i did not go lucid (this test has always made me go lucid)

      it was like i knew it was a dream but couldnt do anything about it and i just had to wait it out luckily i woke up

      oh yeah it was also a layered dream where i had several dreams but they were all ontop of each other like a bunch of layers or something

      because i remember waking up in my dorm room which was changed slightly and other people were there then i woke up again and went into the nightmare

      (all of these dreams occurred durring a 3 hour nap) after being awake for 2 hours and getting 7 hours of sleep the night before

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      What exactly is it that you are waiting for? It seems that you know you are dreaming. Well, isn't that Lucidity right there?

      As soon as you know it is a dream you should move directly into your Dream Check List -- the preprepared set of actions which you had decided to accomplish during Lucidity. Mine is "San Francisco Los Angles"-- that is S F L A -- "STOP FOCUS LOTUS AUM" STOP whatever dream action I had been in and walk away or levitate away from any dream characters I had been engaged with. If they are important enough then they will follow on their own. FOCUS on methods to enhance dream energy or intensify Lucidity. This used to mean looking at my hands, but now it means to begin rapid breathing. LOTUS means for me to levitate up into the air and assume the good old Lotus Position for Meditation. AUM is a good means of opening up the Spiritual Realm to one's Self. It often brings on the Highest Dreams. From there I levitate off into the Stratosphere from which I allow myself to descend into what usually becomes a very interesting Lucid Dream. I don't strive to overcontroll my dreams. I figure my Higher Dream Self knew what it was about when it assembled the Content of these Lucid Dreams, and if I am to use my Awareness and Control for anything then it should be to control my responses so as to make the best personal choices.


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