SWEET! I had my 2nd lucid dream this morning just before school. I woke up still kinda sleepy and rolled over to my back and started daydreaming to myself. Before I know it, I'm fighting Broly from DBZ. "crap" i say "I'm dreaming". I started flying around super fast around all of these buildings, i looked around and yea yea.I was real happy. Then i did something a person in a ld dream NEVER,EVER should. I thought about my real body in bed.. I yell loudly as everything turned black. During that moment i thought to myself i DO NOT want to go into sleep paralysis because it kinda freaked me out. Well what do you know. I can feel my body and can't move, I tried to talk but my lips were just not moving. It's a cool feeling trying to talk actually. I hear this robotic noise type thing. Then a crazy type roar started. A feeling like a tornado was right behind me. I managed to stay calm and just relax, I knew i would wake up soon. After about what seemed like a minute of sleep paralysis. I noticed.. There was no more noise??? I raised my hand in relief, opened my eyes. It was still dark outside. I said " Yes! A lucid dream and sleep paralysis." I was happy about it because it was not scary at all. I found it was a cool and unique experience. I sat on my bed and thought about everything that just happened. I lay on my stomach and close my eyes for a brief moment. I open them again and I'm on the other side of my bed, bright sunshine coming through the windows and I'm laying on my back with my hands to side. "WTF! I MISSED A WILD!" -.-.. it was incredibly vivid and real! SOoo much more than a DILD. Any way! at least I transitioned from sp to a LD!