This morning I woke up for a few minutes and returned to bed. I'm a little unclear about what happened next because it was the beginning of a series of busy dreams and my memory isn't so good, but here's how it felt while it was happening.
I was lying in bed, very relaxed, and then the next thing i knew I was standing in the doorway to my bedroom. I started paying close attention to my senses- what I could see, the texture of the door frame- in hopes that it would stabilize me. It did, and I slowly walked through my apartment to the front door. I only remember those few brief moments where I paid the most attention. The next thing I remember is taking a running jump through a window (although it's not a window in my building, and more closely resembles one in my old building or maybe my old public school.) Falling was amazing, I could see people on the concrete below. One had a hot dog stand. During the fall, I started thinking about whether or not I'd hit the ground. I remembered reading about how pain felt in dreams is incredibly real, and started to worry that it would hurt. When I was about to hit the ground, I 'pulled back' in the air. This startled me a bit, and I lost the dream. I think I woke up in bed but not quite conscious enough to know that I should rush to write in my journal, because I immediately fell asleep again.
The same thing happened, and I found myself back at the door frame. This time I walked more confidently into the kitchen and paid a bit more careful attention to my surroundings. I picked up a piece of paper from the table and read it, although I have no idea what it said now. I think I recognized it as out of place, though, and not something I'd really have in the kitchen. I walked to the door, thinking about wrapped present boxes and whether or not I could conjure one up in my hands. I decided against it, because making things appear seems in some way 'difficult' and seems to wake me up sooner. The next thing I clearly remember is being outside. (There's a door right outside my kitchen so I think it likely I left that way.. regardless, this outside world does not match the one really outside my apartment.) I reached down to scoop up some dirt and ate it. (What? I've always wanted to taste things in dreams.. especially something I wouldn't eat in the waking world.) It tasted like the mouth I'd left behind in bed. Next I think I turned some corners and began to explore, but I don't remember.
These events baffled and fascinated me, but instead of waking up to write them down and chase the memories for more information, I went into a series of conscious, social dreams where I was in familiar situations with groups of my friends. I spent the rest of my time telling them what had happened, and trying to pin memories to other memories and techniques like that, and by the time I woke up the memory of these experiences was almost gone.
So, I'm not sure exactly what happened. It certainly felt very real as it was happening to me, but now the memory of it feels like it was just a dream. I'm leaning towards "false awakenings", but I'm just not sure. At first I thought maybe OOBE/AP but it's clear I was just in a dream and not exploring the "real world" - it's just the seamless way it began that's entirely new to me.
Just a bit more info: I've been having more and more lucid moments for a week or two now. I'll realize I'm dreaming at least once a night, even if I immediately lose memory right after. My recall is quite good. Also, during one of the transitions it felt as though my limbs were floating up out of my body just before I found myself at the door frame. There was also something about my eyes - I moved them in some way that instantly made the process happen - but I was so dreamy and sleepy by then (you know when you're going to sleep and you 'snap back', and you think about how close to full unconsciousness you just were a moment before? that sort of state..) that I couldn't make any more sense of it than that.
