This one's an odd one, thought you folks might appreciate it.

I was spending the night at my buddy James' house. I was standing near the foot of his stairs, when he tells me that someone is outside trying to steal his car. I got a huge rush of adrenaline, and start to run toward the stairs, but after taking a few steps, get hit with this huge wave of exhaustion. To keep myself from falling over, I grab onto the wall to my left. I hear an all-too-familiar rushing noise in my ears, the same one I hear when I WILD, and begin having serious trouble moving my arms and legs. I remember thinking Is this Sleep paralysis? How the hell did I manage to activate sleep paralysis while still awake? Luckily, there was a couch not too far by, which I had intended to sleep on anyway.

With no small amount of effort, I flopped back on to the couch, after watching James run up the stairs to try and stop the car-thief. By this point, I was completely immobilized, overwhelmed by what had accepted as full-bodied sleep paralysis. I tried to explain to Colton, my other friend who was sleeping over, and who was sitting on the other end of the L-shaped couch, that I was paralyzed, and couldn't go help with the car. After struggling to speak, I finally manage to blurt out the words "Those Skirts!" Definitely not the words I had intended to express. Colton, who was pretty drunk at the time, seemed more amused than concerned at this point. "Those Skirts?" he asked me.

At this point, I had given up, and decided to put the sleep paralysis and the rushing sounds to good use, and attempt a WILD. No use waking myself up at this point, I figured. Eventually, I manage to let myself relax, as the rushing sounds grew louder and louder. At one point, I was worried that the noise might actually do permanent damage to my ears, which were ringing violently, but I managed to convince myself it was all in my head and begin to relax again. Soon, the rushing subsided, and I could feel my "body" begin to spin. I knew that this was another sign that I was about to split my "dream body" from my real one. After that, I had the feeling of my legs sort of flailing around in different directions. My heart started to race a bit, because I knew the separation had started. I could feel my "dream body" float off to the side of the couch, splitting at my abdomen, and then up my chest, and up to my shoulders. My right arm came free next, but for some reason, my left arm (which was pinned beneath a pillow and my head) wouldn't split. I was frozen from my right shoulder to my left arm, unable to move my head. I could feel my bare feet on James' carpet, and after a minute or so without splitting, I tried to think of ways to force the rest of my dream body off the couch.

I tried floating, which worked with the lower half of my body, but my head and arm were still cemented to the bed. Eventually, I got frustrated, and reached my right arm in to try and pull my "dream arm" out of my real one. The arm going inside my body was icy cold, and startled me awake, though I was still held in the grip of full body paralysis.

Eventually, after much gentle rocking back and fourth and several slow deliberate breaths, I began to regain control over my limbs. I rolled over to my other side, and touched a wall in front of me. Confused, I stared at the wall. Wasn't I just on James' couch? Where did this wall come from? Am I still dreaming? Slowly, it dawned on me. I hadn't gone to James' house at all. The experience I had just had was nearly a lucid dream, within a dream.