After having 4 very shot lucid experiences .... I had my first LD. It wasn't very interesteing but I tihnk it was pretty long.

I have my alarm set to go off at 4:15AM. I was dreaming when it did and was really confsued but woke up and hit it really quick. I went back to sleep immediately. I'm not sure if this was the next dream I had or it was later but I was at my school. I saw my friend hanging out with some really radom people so I do an RC. I remember how it worked and I was shocked. This is where all my other dreams ended but I did a few more and started spinning. Everything stayed clear, It was beautiful. I try and convince my two best friends that this is a dream and I show them how I can breathe through my nose even when I plug it. They are skeptical so I tell them I can fly. I sit Indian style and try to levitate but it fails. I don't really remember what happened next other than that I started leaping in hopes that I would take off. My leaps got my unnaturally high, but I never flew. Then, as im sure many guys did their first time, I asked some girl I know if she wanted to fool around with me. She said yes really easily so we went to look for spots at my school. For some reason everywhere was packed and we went on a wild goose chase but then we go to our library. I decided that we could use the upstairs bathroom but it was blocked. We were eventally able to get in but then she turns me and goes "I am going to leave." I asked why but she just left and I set out to find another girl. I didn' feel a loss of lucididty but all of a sudden my eyes were open and I was awake.

I remember feeling so happy and so pure and somewhat tingly. SO COOL.