Below are the details of the lucid dream I had this morning. I debated whether or not I'd share it with the forum but decided to go ahead and post it.

My alarm goes off and I think I'm just laying in bed waiting for my husband to get up or the second alarm to go off (we have two alarms set about 30 minutes apart). As I lie there I start going over what I need to do today when the second alarm goes off and my husband gets up. I lay there for about a minute and then I too get up.

I walk into the living room and it is very dark.. too dark. I think this is very strange because normally this time of morning our living room is extremely bright and sunny. I dimly see my dog sitting across the room by the couch and I think "how strange.. why would my husband let her upstairs?" when it suddenly dawns on me that I'm dreaming!

For some reason I go back into the bedroom. I look up and see the sky! It's blueblack and full of fuzzy tiny stars. I concentrate and bring the stars more into focus. I decide to fly up to them but I only get so far when I hit the ceiling! My bedroom's ceiling now appears to be sky and I can't go any higher.

I levitate and start to claw at the ceiling and slowly break my way through. I lift myself through the hole and see that I am now in a well-lit (and what I thought was an empty) attic. As I stood up, I heard a noise and looked to my right. I see a small boy about 7 years old huddled in the corner of the room. He is blonde and his face is tearstained. He is sitting on the floor with his knees to his chin and his arms hugging his legs and he looks absolutely terrified.

I follow his gaze and look to my left. There on the other side of the room is a fullsize bed upon which, laying on his back, is a naked man about 40 years old.

I suddenly got the sick realization of what had happened or was about to happen in this attic.

It didn't appear that either of them knew I was there (almost as if I was invisible).

I am beyond disgusted and angry as hell as I walk over to the bed. I won't go into detail of what I did to him but it would be safe to say that he won't be hurting anyone else for quite some time (if ever).

I love kids and the thought of one of them being harmed disturbs me on so many different levels and I have never had a lucid (nor non-lucid) dream like this before.

FYI.. I have never been molested nor do I know anyone who has (at least I don't think I do).. I just don't know where this dream came from.

As I said, I debated whether to share this but decided I trust you guys enough to do so.