I've never had a dream as vivid as this. I'm forgetting it already so I gotta write this down quickly. I can not remember all of it. Only 2 or 3 parts so Here goes:

I was in my garage. I realized how vivid it was. But the cars that are usually in were smaller? I tried to drive one but I couldn't fit in. I got frustrated and closed my eyes " when I open my eyes there will be a sports car outside" I said. I opened them and there it was. I think that was the first time I got spawning right. ( I don't know what to call it, do others say stuff like, I spawned a car in? Or, I made a car, Spawning sounds like typing in a code for a video game character or something.)So I rode to a race track unintentionally, and frantically tried to think of other stuff to do. I decided to see if I could find my dream guide. I saw a person in blue, walking in a crowded area so he could watch the race. I somehow knew he was my dream guide. He ran into someone and said excuse me, instead of being a mindless drone like the other people. I talked to him and somehow later we are in a house. There's this stupid cat that keeps biting me, and he said, "yeah she bites more then the amazon" I laughed because I thought it had something to do with crocodiles, which it kinda does but now that i'm awake it makes a lot less sense. So then he started explaining this high quality, top secret stuff from the subconscious that I know I understood there, I would understand now I can tell but I forgot. He wrote on a piece of paper, showing me pictures of the stuff he drew which went along with the talking. This was my second encounter with a dream guide.

So the good news is my subconscious is very friendly and wants to tell me stuff, the bad news is I forgot everything it told me.