For those that didnt read my previous thread, my spirit guide is a black guy named Legend that often appears in my dreams as a teaching, guiding, and protective figure. The last time he appeared in a lucid dream, he had a very profound impact on me.

This morning's dreams were crazy in themselves. I had a LD, followed by an OBE which shocked me awake, followed by a second LD after I fell back asleep...I then woke up, fell asleep yet again, and had a third 30 minute LD. Meeting Legend took place in the second LD.

I became lucid in my dream, which took place in my college apartment. As soon as lucidity took place, I proceeded to ask the dream various questions for guidance and such. After asking questions, a group of three girls showed up to my apartment. They were the ones asking my questions at first. For some strange reason I got the intense vibe that these girls were deceptive and possibly even dangerous. I told the girl that appeared to be in charge that she was a bitch and walked away. I then started asking the dream for Legend, my guide. A group of people emerged from the hallway. One of these people was legend. I was vaguely surprised that he actually showed up when he seemed reluctant to appear previously.

I asked him for advice. I don't remember word for word because he went in to a rant, but to get to the point he said something along the lines of, "why should I help you when you do not help yourself," and "you take two steps forward and 3 steps backward." "Your desire to live a different life will keep you from finding marriage, children, and happiness."

Sounds harsh, but his lecture struck home. Recently in my life, I have been falling into old, bad habits, and I have already seen the negative effects they are having on my life. In addition, I have developed a very negative opinion of certain aspects of society, that I sometimes wish I could withdraw from the corporate world and make a life for myself in solitude for spiritual development. All these desires stem from negative thoughts though, and have no positive value for myself and those around I see his point.

(as a side note, i woke up halfway through his rant, but i could actually still hear him talking in my head after waking up...very strange)

In conclusion, whether or not I end up following through with his advice (I have a nasty habit of getting off track over time) I feel as if I have a better idea of what I should be working towards, and what habits I need to put a lid on. I want to do well in this lifetime, and I hope I've got the balls to fix his disappointment in my recent actions.