I had first heard of Lucid Dreaming in a psychology textbook. I did some research and found that it was extremely interesting. When I was younger I was pretty good at recalling dreams, yet being older, probably partly due to extensive alcohol and drug use, I found I was unable to recall my dreams at night. (my first lucid dreamThen one night I had the strangest dream where I found myself on a beautiful floating island with the most amazing waterfalls (I love waterfalls) and large buildings that looked to have been built by early civilizations. While looking off of a cliff and looking down to see that the island was floating, staring at the surrounding clouds, I became very aware that I was dreaming, I knew to test if you were dreaming, flying was a surefast way to distinguish from reality. So I leaped off of the cliff and with little trouble began flying through the sky, over waterfalls and through clouds. It was amazing. I remember entering one of the buildings still flying and then dropping down to the ground, feeling my feet land. I then began to explore the building, and that was the last thing I remember. However, I am sure I dreamt longer before I woke up, so I must have just lost the lucidity.

Then just this morning I had a rather strange but awesome experience with Lucid Dreaming. I had gone to sleep rather late, around 3:30 AM that morning, and around 9:15 AM I was awoken with a message from my lawyer. I woke up and learned it was important I call back and get ahold of him, so I grogily and angrily woke up, went downstairs to retrieve the phone number and called the office. After being told he'd call back I lay down and watched tv, not really absorbing anything I saw. My lawyer called back and I spent several minutes talking to him. I then hung up and went back upstairs to my bed. I turned the tv on and lay there staring at it, angry that I may not be able to fall back asleep. A commercial came on and I focused on falling back asleep because I wanted to be relaxed again. Suddenly I was sleeping, and as I fell asleep I somehow "awoke" in my dream. I was laying on the ground, upon further notice I felt the grass blades and saw the familiar shiny green color of grass underneath me. I struggled to get up, but it was very difficult, I felt hazy, and it was kind of foggy. Then I forced myself up and found I saw moonlight when I looked up. I was in a clearing in what I assume was the woods. Then I remember walking around for awhile just alarmed and intrigued that I knew I was dreaming. I can't remember what happened next, but I remember being in some type of cottage where I lived with other people (I just spent a week at camp with my family and another family we are friends with). That part was kind of boring, I kind of just let my dream go on by itself, not altering anything, but I was still aware I was dreaming. Then I remember having sexual experiences, I can't remember what the guy looked like, but it felt like I was having amazing sex, it felt real! Then I swear I experienced orgasm in my dream, not once, but three times. (I haven't had sex in awhile, I wonder if it was me just acting out my fantasies) Then comes a period of increased lucidity where I am again walking in the clearing in the woods, suddenly I come upon a masked creature, I guess that is how I would explain it, it seemed almost like a cartoon character with a strangely animated face. I quickly jumped out of the way nearly 15 feet into the air where I was kind of above the dream. As I dropped back down into the dream and back in harms way the creature aimed his open hands at me in which point a kind of electric red lighting flash (? for lack of better explanation) came towards me, I dodged it. I then looked at the creature who was menacing towards me. I looked down at my own hands and thought to myself, if I'm dreaming then maybe I can do that too. I stared at my hands in front of me, seeing the creature advancing at me behind my hands. I closed my eyes and focused. Nothing happened, seeing the creature still coming my way I stared intently at my hands and felt power surge through them, with great anticipation I saw blue sparks (the creatures sparks were red) emerge from the centers of the palms of first my left, then right hand. They were not large like the creatures, but rather like small spurts, as if I was trying so hard, and just learning to do something. I waved my arms at the creature trying to "defeat him" but my blue electric sparks were fading, and then I think I woke up, because I remember no more. I asume the great amount of energy I was putting into trying to forcibly do something I knew was impossible woke me up, as it was unlike the flying and jumping I had experienced just by "doing it". When I woke up I was astounded, shocked, and elated that I had had another experience with Lucid Dreamings. This time my interest has certainly piqued. I would like to train myself to have more Lucid Dreams and also be able to do more things limited by reality in my dreams, and at will while lucid dreaming.

Has anyone else had an experience where they tried to do something they knew was physically impossible where you were first met with dissapointment but had a type of progression with more focuss on the task at hand? Please share related experiences!!!