So this morning i woke up around 9, had a glass of water, and went back to bed (my usual morning.. I usually have a few dreams from my 9 am - 12 pm nap) and next thing i know i'm in a dream. In the dream im walking down the street and i see my aunt amy and her husband and kids and also my grandpa (who just recently passed just last thursday ): i said hi to them and kept walking home. When i get home which is just around the block from where i seen my aunt, i walk in and go in the kitchen. I see my uncle mario and all of a sudden it dawns on me.. This is a dream! i look at my uncle and say oh shit mario we're dreaming we can do anything! He says (in a very serious tone) no, ruben.. This is not a 'night' dream.. You can't wake up from these dreams! I then paniced and automatically thought he was right.. I tried waking up and eventually ended up doing so.. When i woke up i was just mad that i wasted a lucid... Well next time I'll remember not to panic.. I wish I coulda used this chance to do something amazing