Just thought I’d share this strange happening that occurred a few weeks ago: I went to bed around midnight, and around 1:20am, the torso and right knee of a dark figure with a silent, open mouth started decending out of the ceiling right above my bed. All I could sense was animosity and an intent to harm. I threw myself out of the bed, but when my left foot touched the floor, I knew my leg was still in full sleep paralysis. The knee buckled and crashed into my desk. I thought it was broken, the knee cap shattered, but the first thing I did was swing around to check the ceiling. Nothing there.

I've had strange, fully-tactile hallucinations in early sleep before, ranging from the common tripping to metamorphosing into a Pepsi machine and feeling a soda can travel all the way up my esophagus before causing me to sit and expel it out of my mouth, but this one was different. My room was in full detail. The antique light fixture on my ceiling next to which the figure emerged was exactly the same as it is in waking life. The furniture in my room was in perfect placement. I wasn't dreaming about my room when this happened - I was just suddenly thrust into awareness of the fact that some shadowy figure was descending from my ceiling to harm me. It was seriously freaky, to say the least. Needless to say, I reverted back to the insecurity of a five-year-old and slept with the light on for the rest of the night.