Please read it all!

Last night was definitely the most wild night of dreaming I've had in my life! I had approximately 40 dreams in all, and about 30 of them were lucid dreams. Most of those lucid dreams occured directly out of wakefulness, in other words I would wake up and start to fall back to sleep and immediately enter a lucid dream.

Here is where things become crazy. I know I am forgetting several important dreams here, but that's ok, I remember most of the best ones. I started to fall asleep and I felt the vibrations that I always feel when I'm entering an LD. So I let them build and the vibrations moved me off the edge of my bed and across the floor (this is not unusual for me, and it's not really happening, but perceived). Then I opened my eyes and stood up in my room. I saw a bunch of pictures on the wall. Then a man who was understood in my dream to be an author was there in my room very distraught. the pictures and pages on my wall were his book. They were very simple black and white drawings of a creature transforming and morphing into other creatures. Then it ended and the author didn't know what transformation came next. I didn't know what to do for him so I jumped out my window and flew to a beach. The author either followed me or teleported to that beach as well. He explained that this beach was some sacred beach with "blue rippling ocean". The ocean was indeed absolutely beautiful, the sun was shining off it. I was still flying in the air and said out loud that I was going to dive into the water. As I tried to do so the author said "No, I will empty the water and show you everything!" As he said this everything dried up.

I came to the ground and he began unburying treasures from the ocean's edge that had become dry. He said "Here is so-and-sos guitar from long ago, who wishes to have this?" I began playing the guitar, and a song played that was "supposed" to be a song from this guitarist, although I believe my mind made the guitarist and the song up, but the song was very cool. Then this same thing happened again with another guitar. I played some nice riff. Then he said "Here is Yngwie Malmsteen's guitar!" I took it and started to play and this beautiful classical guitar melody came from it, even though I expected some crazy solo. It wasn't a real Yngwie song, but it was beautiful. I was impressed that my brain was making this up. So me and some other people who received guitars were all very happy and flew up the beach and I asked the author "Will I still have this great gift when I wake up?" And he said "You surely will!" And then began to "quest".

I'm not sure how this quest began and what the exact aim was, but it was apparent that it was very important. Me and the author were in some forest area and it seemed that we were trying to evade some people. We started flying through some trees. Then he said "Come with me." Then I hopped onto his back and held on as we flew at blazing speeds. Below us were two highways, each going another direction. It was just after sundown and the clouds were lit up brightly with different colors. All of the cars had their headlights on, and for some reason the lights from the cars were reflecting off all of the clouds, making a very splendid scene. Things were dark and I began to wake up. Then I woke up in my bed, but I immediately wanted to get back into this dream. So I relaxed and imagined exactly where I just was and I felt myself pulled right back into the dream. There I was again holding onto him flying across the forest highways. I asked him "How can I keep from waking up? I don't want to lose this." He said "This quest will take a full year of dreaming". I woke up yet again and then entered the dream again. I said "I am back again, and that was scarcely 10 seconds!" The author expressed his amazement that I was back so soon. This time the dream continued to stick. I looked and to the right was a very beautiful river, glowing slightly from the remaining colors in the sky. I felt the very cold, brisk air against my skin. We were flying at at least 200 mph. I said to him "Have you ever found out how fast you go? You must be flying at 150 mph!" He said he didn't know. Finally we came to what seemed like a dam, except they were log barges in the middle of the river. We flew separately to the other side of the river where the side was lined by a conveyor belt of log barges. He gave me instructions of what to do, but I didn't understand. He laid down on one of the logs and I tried to do the same but I knocked all of the logs off the carrier. The author yelled his disdain at what I had done. I had caused a ruckus and people down below were trying to clean it all up. But then I told him it was ok. We hid in the empty carrier and were transported through some machine that had arms coming across. Then I woke up. This time I was woken up for good. I was really upset that I wouldn't be able to finish whatever this mission was.

Anyway the dreams continued. I would be in a normal dream and wake up, and then as I would fall asleep I would fall into a LD. Then I would wake up from that dream and slip back into another one. This happened over and over again.

In one of the dreams I was at my grandparent's house. I went outdoors and started picking up rocks to see how I could throw in a dream. Not too well. So I picked up some rocks and threw them at some old men across the street. I kept missing, but then one hit one of them after bouncing on the ground. The other man said "That one hit you, Henry!" So then I went onto the lawn and decided I wanted to try catching a fish in a dream. So I took a pole from the air and casted onto the lawn, which was conveniently now a still river. I was not having luck, but then I imagined a fish coming up and biting my lure. At that instant I saw a fish come up and bite it. When it struck it felt exactly as it should. I lifted the fish out of the water and held it up. A 3 pound smallmouth bass with a severely deformed head. I tried to take the hook out, but it wouldn't come. It was funny because the fish felt slimy as it should. I just tossed the deformed fish down, but felt bad I didn't unhook my dream fish. I don't remember the events immediately after that.

In one dream it started out like any other, non-lucid. I was in the mall and went into what seemed like a radio shack. I came in and immediately this guy tried to help me. He showed me to a computer and told me to do whatever I wanted. I tried to sign into messenger but he said I couldn't do that. Then I saw this strange spiral appear on the screen. I looked at it and suddenly I was flying above this country scene with this image of the spiral below me. It was green and red and extremely trippy. Someone said it was the "LSD spiral". I flew around a bit more, having become lucid, and saw this 3d image that was also supposed to be the LSD image, but it had changed. It was shaped sort of like an hourglass with lots of jagged turns and weirdities. I can't explain it.

In another dream I had flown up in the air and found a river in front of me. I saw a dam on it and a huge jet of water shooting out. I suddenly decided it would be immensely fun to try flying directly into that jet. As I got closer I noticed beneath the jet was a very large whirlpool. Also there was a whirlpool off to the right behind the dam. I tried flying toward the water jet, but I kept flying higher without any control. When I looked around me I noticed I was in the vortex of a developing tornado. It pulled me higher and higher and I continued spinning out of control. It was a blast. I don't know what happened after this.

More lucid dreams happened. Each time one started from being awake I would vibrate and then be dragged across the room, hitting things as I went, all the time with my eyes closed. I went out my door and discovered it was my old house with my cats there. I was really happy to see them and pet them for a few moments, since I don't have them anymore...

Anyway, there were so many more dreams. I feel upset I can't remember more.