i went looking for information on dreaming today after having a LD where i gained control of the dream. in the dream i soon woke up after getting control, which reminded me of every other time ive tried taking control of a dream. so, i got frustrated and decided to try and find info on how to keep control of dreams for more than just a few moments.

after reading this site, and some other tutorials, and some of the forums, it seems that most people dont ever lucid dream. and it sounds like these people have to practice until they can have their first LD!? this surprises me, since ive been realizing im dreaming my whole life. my dream recall isnt any good, but plenty of times when i remember dreams, i remember knowing it was a dream. now i usually just LD and roll w/ the dream. but sometimes, even since i was a little kid, i have gone lucid in nightmares and forced myself to wake up. this works the majority of the time and i wake up and catch my breath

so what im wondering, am i really in the minority by being able to realize when im dreaming?