I was having a regular dream when I noticed that there were more than one copy of each of my cats. When I counted, the number increased to 6 cats instead of 2. And also only one cat, Fluffy, is actually still living, but that didn't register then. I was too shocked by seeing 3 copys of my cats! lol.

Then I went lucid and was walking around my house in my dream.

I encountered these two dream characters who were sitting on two chairs in the middle of my living room. I sat, cross-legged, before them and asked why I was experiencing so many lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, out of body experiences and an increase in spirituality these past months. The answer from them was that I was being prepared. "Prepared for what?" I asked. The reply was "Chirstmas time." They seemed like nice characters, not mean at least. I think it's the first time I've actually made contact with them.

Honestly, this experience is intriguing and just has me asking all these questions to myself. What will happen around christmas time???

After the lucid dream I had the longest duration of sleep paralysis ever. It lasted for many many minutes. It felt great! And this time, instead of hearing scary things, all I heard was an occasional voice of a person saying "hello" to me. I said "hello" back but they kept saying "hello" so I got the impression they didn't hear me. It seemed totally nice and peaceful instead of the bad stuff. I won't explain the bad stuff because I did before and it's freaky.

So, any ideas? I finally made contact with dream characters instead of just walking around my dream house with only my cats with me. Oh, that's another thing. When I have lucid dreams of my house, my cats are always there with me. Even though, Purr has passed away. It's nice to see her there, it really is.
