• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
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      Dream Characters

      Hello. I am interested in dream characters and the role in other's dreams.
      In the past, I would try to convince dream characters that they were, in fact, just a part of my dream. This would usually cause them to either become agitated or even angry. Sometimes, these characters would even try to convince me that I was crazy(sometimes with looks, sometimes with words). This would usually initiate a lucid dream, but control was minimal and it was almost as if I was moving through what can be best described as thick air.
      I have always had trouble quieting my mind and I have always been a painfully light sleeper. I have always had trouble meditating as well. Recently, for some reason I had a strong urge to meditate. I can't even say why, but I kept bringing my fingertips together(approx. 2" distance) and pulling them apart without touching them. After some time, I noticed a strange feeling in my fingertips. It felt as though I was holding magnets with opposing polarities in either hand. I'm not one to get carried away, but there seemed to be something significant about this experience. Since then, I have been able to duplicate the feeling without meditation. In the last few months, I have had not only an extremely active dream life, but my lucid dreams have increased dramatically as well. Movement and control in general have become much easier.
      Well, sometimes the characters in my lucid dreams seem to think independently of me. Some of these characters I have never even seen before. Some of them are working against me.
      I am not looking for someone to analyze my experience(or even try to explain this phenomenon), but rather to find others who have had similar experiences with dream characters.
      Thank you for your time.

    2. #2
      Member Razorback's Avatar
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      I think it is hard for dream characters to acknowledge their existence of being inside your mind. DC's think of themselves as people too, so they probably might just as well gossip like people, so word get's around about you trying to tell them they're not real.
      This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

      Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

      I am being cared for by NirvanaStarseed.

    3. #3
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      This isnt 'trying' to explain cuz ive been doing this for 2 years, your hands are major exertion points for spiritual energy. Meaning you controlled the energy in your body (science can at least vague for energy being in your body.) Anyways, that's really weird, because I'm in deep with that shit (yea way passed that magnetic feeling) and your just scraping the surface. The catch is its a bitch for me to LD (had 1 that I can remember) and you learn energy control and LD all over the place -_- the fuck bro, the fuck.

      If your feeling adventurous, pm me and ill show you the next level in energy control.

    4. #4
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      Next time you're lucid, try looking for your dream guide. They're fun little dream character not many people have found (I found out I have 2), they know you are dreaming, and they just help you explore your dream world.

    5. #5
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      Guys, again, check the date of the thread you're looking at. This thread died back in 2005. If you'd like to start a discussion about this topic, just make a new thread. Anything older than four years should be left 'dead'


      Any questions about lucid dreaming? Drop me a PM here!


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