hey i just stumbled on this site yesterday and i think all this stuff is amazing last nite i tryed dream recall and i couldnt remember anything the first 3 times i woke up bu when i woke up for the last time it all seem to come to me the funny thing is that i couldnt do any rc'c because it seemed like half of the time i was in 3rd person like watching a movie and it was a little hardfor me to do dream recall i even set my alarm every 90 mins but i couldnt remember anything those times the only time i did was when i woke up for the last time i remember the settings changing and i was doing something diff this happenedabout 4 times i jumped naked in to a pool my brother was fixing my room a room that i had when i was little and my boss was riding a a go kart i rememebr allot of my famili being there and allot of them had deff weird actions now that i reember it but just like u guys said we accept it at them time i wrote this down all in my brand new dream jaurnal lol but its just sorta hard because i cant reember anything while im dreaming i can only do it when i wake up it all just seems to come to me and the things i do remember seem in 3rd person so how can i rc when its in 3rd person and i cant controll my body in the dream ?