I've been attempting to Lucid for a very long time... I've always been very connected to my sub-conscious through my dreams.. Ever since I was young I've always had the strangest experiences through dream... Many of them are things that still haunt me today and don't understand.

I was feeling sick earlier today so I went to bed to take a bit of a nap. I felt my TV on and it was fairly loud, I was surprised I slept through it but I felt like shit so I really didn't care because I was tired. I fell asleep almost right away, and right away some strange dreams started going on. The first few were just regular dreams that I get normally, but I think I might have woken up for a second because of the TV and fell right back to sleep. Then it happend.

Ever since I was young I've had dreams involving my old house I used to live in, mainly because I had some terrible dreams then when I was young. When this certain dream started, I felt very in control for some reason. Maybe I wasn't controlling myself at all, but I thought I was, either way I was very conscious during it... I was in my shower/bathtub, staring down. I noticed right away that I couldn't see very well at all. So somehow, My figured out that if I stared long enough, I could see better... But the colors started to change. The entire house and everything I saw was multi-colored, very brightly colored. I was excited because I thought I actually achived lucidity!

So I stepped out of the shower, looked around. To the right of the shower is a mirror. I looked into and I saw something that scared me big time, It was myself when I was young. It was quite surreal. I couldn't look at myself anymore so I left and walked around a bit more. Bunch of other stuff happend that I don't remember but somehow, I ended up back in the shower, stepped out again, looked in the mirror and saw myself again except this time I saw myself when I was older... Much older... At this point I knew I wanted out, it was a bit much to handle in one sitting. Also, When I lost "lucidity" or atleast what I thought it was, I heard a very strange noise in my ear, like a pop or a "POOF" noise, I remembered what it was after I woke up, but I don't remember it anymore.

Just turns out that the one time I get a lucid, I can't get OUT. I did everything I could to try to wake myself up. It felt as if I didn't have enough mental or physical strength at the time that I couldn't even move my arms or fingers, it was almost terrible. I knew I would wake up eventually, and I wanted some evidence that I was actually in control so I decided that I would do the only I could do, only up my mouth and start drooling. I know it sounds nuts but it was the only thing I could do at the time. Finally, I did wake up and I was quite sweaty, and to my amaze, there was a wet spot on my mouth and pillow. I didn't know what to think, but I was happy/disturbed.

Thought that I would share this with you guys, I'd appreciate any advice or analysis you could give me, thanks for listening.