(Sorry i didn't put this on the forum i did about the first lucid dream turned into a nightmare)

My frist WILD attempt was succesful in away. I got to the stage were you see the hypnotic colours(It looked like those telescope things but with colours at the end of them and u can move the bottom of it). Any way i got to that stage and i got too excited and started to laugh so i had to open my eyes. After that my head was really giddy and i started to laugh at everything. I was superised no one thought i was on drugs on the way i was acting. I think it was a succese because i did that befor i did Lucid dreaming and it helped for me not to get too execited on my first lucid dream. I was woundering if there is a way not to laugh at the hypnotic colours because i was berly laughing befor i got execited.