I have known how to do the technique where you relax every muscle one by one for a long time before i've known about lucid dreaming. When i read about WILD (or MILD, i cant remember) it was describing what i use to get myself to slepp every night. Because i've been doing it for years, i cant get in to it in a matter of minutes, up to the stage where I can feel the dreams, kind of tricking me. When i did this before i would always get to this point then let one of the dreams just take me, and I would awaken with a full rest and memory of a cool dream. So now when i try to lucid dream its hard to convince myself so be alert for the dreams. Sometimes im kind of floating in blackness, then i feel a bit startled as i remember doing something dreamlike four seconds ago. Last night this happened four times (once i remeber yelling for someone named Alps in a western village, then thinking, whos Alps) and i need some advice, is the state when i relised what was going on being lucid, if so how can i avoid waking up (no time for dream spinning). The easist way to describe it is that there is a kind of lag between the relisation waking me up, then remembering what happened, about 4 seconds. Thanks in advanced.