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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2005

      Lucid state talking to dream people

      I have had this many times and it is really becoming a reoccuring experience.

      I become lucid in a dream that isn't a good dream. The place I am is place where human experiments are taking place. At first when I became lucid in these dreams I woke myself up because of fear of what I was seeing. Then as time went on I was so intriged with the fact of how clear I saw the dream and how I was still able to hear my husband snore next to me and be aware I was in a dream.

      The individuals in the dream were interesting to me because since I knew I was dreaming I was curious at how independent the were from me even though I knew these were images in my head. I experimented in this state all so many times with the people telling them who I am, my phone number, where I live in and letting them know this was a dream state. It's just feels so real.

      The dreams are all the same though. We myself and everyone there are just test subjects that are being tested on while we are sleeping. We are made to see horrible scenes and are treated with much abuse and our reactions recorded. I hate the dreams but try to stay lucid in them to conquer my fears in hope I don't have to ever become lucid again in these state and never see these dream again. I guess I will really freak out if one day someone does call me and tells me the dreams in detail and said I got your number from you in a dream. LOL

      Has anyone had anything like this?

    2. #2
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2003
      I've not had anything like this, but I encourage you to continue to work through this. Obviously, your subconcious is trying to deal with something. Lucky for you that you are a lucid dreamer, it should make it easier to work though and you should be able to do it much more quickly than a non-lucid dreamer.
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Oct 2005

      Thought on your dream

      I've never heard anyone knowingly talk to their dream people. I've tried talking to my boyfriend while he slept to try to positively influence his dreams. I only tried it a few times but one time he popped out of bed and put his arms around me (I was sitting on the couch near the bed which is on the floor) and he said a full sentence to me. I said "what?" I thought he was a wake but he said the exact same thing again. I still didn't understand, then he laid back down and didn't move again. He didn't remember it the next morning. I thought, from what you said, sounds that like me, you wanted to influence the dreamer positively. It sounded like you were trying to comfort them. I thought you seemed like you were letting them know someone real was there for them and to not be scared because it was a dream. I'm not entirely sure just from what you described, but a lot of times I'll try to help people feel comforted for the same thing I'd want to be comforted for also. For example, someone feels lonely and you give them a hug and tell them you're there for them, but you wish at the same time someone would do the same thing for you without you asking them first. I might be completely off, but you might just need someone to talk to you while you're dreaming to let you know that person is there and they're real. I'd ask my partner to try to stay a wake and notice for eye lid movement (REM). Wait a bit, then start saying comforting things. Since you're lucid I'd think that might help without actually waking you up so you could perhaps over come that dream.
      I'm sorry if that's a bit off from what you meant or anything, dreams are just hard to understand sometimes. I hope it works out for you.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Dear Dreamlyn

      That is an interesting Dream Motif, a recurring dream in which one is one of a number of Test Subjects in some Dream Realm Institute. I'm glad to hear that you no longer attempt to block out such dreams, but now actively participate. But I am a bit concerned that I don't readily discern a resolution to this particular Dream Motif, that is, you may well be a subject of an ongoing study. Perhaps your best option would be to ask to see the Head Administrator or the Director of the Institution and ask that you be permitted to participate in farther reaching studies. If you are to be a captive inmate, then you might as well make the most of it.

      I have noticed that the element of Team Work has been elaborating in my own dreams. Perhaps this might be the direction in which your own dreams are taking. Now you are a passive subject, but perhaps the evolution of your particular Dream Motif may be that you will eventually work your way up in this Institution, going from being a mere subject to eventually becoming a member of the Staff. Perhaps an intermediate step would be to apply to be a Trustee.

      However, one should not become entirely fatalistic in the acceptance of such a continued Dream Motif. One might consider a Lucid Dream Checklist in which one plans to escape from this Institution. Often I have found that the utility of Dream Levitation is to enable one to Fly out of situations that one can not walk out of. If there is some Existential Grandiose Purpose which requires you to continue in this Dream Motif, then you will certainly be summoned back in subsequent dreams. Or maybe the response that is being asked from you is that you should plan and execute an escape -- that you take charge of the direction you take in life... that you be more than a passive subject. But I cannot really be sure. Try your different options, and your dreams will let you know whether you are getting warm.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Thanks for the replies. I am still trying to deal with these dreams. I believe the dreams might be related to all the horrible things I have seen and read on the news over the years. I really greive other peoples injustices.

      In the last dream I bacame lucid in this state I saw I was in a really run down room where this man was mad at me telling me I was nothing but trouble to their experiments . At this moment since I was lucid I said "Trouble"? "Your a damn dream image why are you talking to me so this means I am talking to myself." While I said this to this man I was taking the opportunity to look around and get as much information of my own lucid state. I looked left to right and behind me. I thought it was strange and interesting because when I looked behind me the dream images faded into a dark brownish gold color and as I looked at the man again the dream faded back into clear vision.

      In the dream the man was angry at me but I didn't care because I knew it wasn't real so I went to touch his arm and it felt real. He looked at me strange as trying to figure out how I become aware in my dreams and he stated it this concern to me. He said come with me. When I looked at where he said to go my heart started to race. I could feel it and I began to hear my husband snore and I knew I starting to wake up but I new I had to face my fears. So I relaxed and said it's just a dream it's just a dream I can go back to sleep and go somewhere else. But I didn't I lost the lucid state and woke up again in this place with the same man approaching me with an angry expression. He said again "What did I tell you? I said come with me" When I became lucid at this point I was on the ground and felt a bit confused and was strugling to be lucid. I felt injured. When I finally stood up and was read to go with him regardless of the horrible things I new was awaiting in the hall of door in front of me I told him. "

      So this is a dream and I know this is a dream. I need to ask these questions 1. I could be dreaming that I am in a lucid state. 2. if in lucid state why do you feel so real and why do I have so much control and hear my husband snoring and the air conditioner turning off and on and why can I add, 2+2=4, 4+4=8? . 3. Why am I dreaming that experiments are being performed on us while we sleep and if this is true then I can see why I am trouble to you because I am telling everyone I see that this is a dream state and for them to snap out of it. Finally I said. I will go where you want me to go but I can wake up anytime I want. So I went down the hall saw things that were too horrible handle turned to the man again and said "I still I know that I am dreaming and to prove to you and myself that you can't do what you want with me I am going to wake myself up and now I will and so I did wake up at that moment.

      What I discoverd at that moment and all the times that I wake myself up that I am in a state of critical thinking. Where my critical thinking is sharper apon waking. But still analytical thought was there in both states.

      I tell myself maybe I should stop drawing, painting and playing piano because when I hear the music and art I feel close to the dream state. So maybe this is why I have so many lucid dreams. I thought also when my sleep apnea improved it will get better and go but it didn't I just control the dream better and state in a lucid state longer. I wish I had enough skill to just lucid dream like on just Friday or Saturday Nights LOLOL

      Thanks all for reading and your advice and thougts :-)

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      I also have tried asking questions of dream characters when lucid .I read that it is interesting to ask them the question "what do you do when I am not here?" so I tried that but their reaction frightened me so much I have not tried anything like that since .

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Wow that is a great question! What kind of replies did you get? I am sure to try this in my next lucid state. Scared to ask but I know myself I will do it. Thanks for sharing. :-)

    8. #8
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Dear Dreamlyn,

      You do know ofcourse, that it is simply acting in accordance with Materialist Dogma that you are rejecting the Subjective Reality of your Dreams. Does it not seem silly at the time, when you reproach perfectly solid Dream Characters with the accusation that they are NOT REAL.

      Perhaps you should examine the possibility that your Subjective Reality IS real.

      Carl Jung framed the hypothesis that there may be a Collective Consciousness. Archetypes and all commonality among dream symbols argues for a certain Objectivity and Commonality among Dreams which speaks to their being an Actuality. And then we have all the Resistances and Stubborn tenacities of our Dream Mind which must serve to convince us that since it presents us with LIMITATIONS it is therefore consistent with some form of Solid Reality. We know that Walls are Real, because they are hard. The impenetrable solidness of the Dream World -- the limits of our Control -- argue likewise for the Reality of Dreams.

      Perhaps the core of your problem, and the key to its solutions rest in your re-evaluating your Perception of Dreaming. Maybe when you acknowledge that your Subjective Reality has Value and Existence, then your Subconscious Mind will no longer have to so quite be treating you as one of the Enemy.

    9. #9
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Hi Leo
      Thanks for the response. Need to ask by what you mean by real? I feel dreams are important for some reason because they exist in our minds. Is that the real you mean?

      Also when you speak of the collective conscious are you saying we all share this dream worlds. I have always question that and lean towards maybe we do. I draw my dreams, I'm an artist and just too many times has it happened where I meet someone that has had a dream with something I have had drawn. I share that with my brother a lot but also with couple of other people I have met over the years.

      Thanks for the reply It really does help to hear other peoples advice and opinions since I don't get any from the people I am around. I'm perceived in a very negative light when I speak of dreams. I think I have heard all the possible negative comments a person can possibly hear. Thanks :-)

    10. #10
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Originally posted by dreamlyn
      Hi Leo
      Thanks for the response. Need to ask by what you mean by real? I feel dreams are important for some reason because they exist in our minds. Is that the real you mean?

      Also when you speak of the collective conscious are you saying we all share this dream worlds. I have always question that and lean towards maybe we do. I draw my dreams, I'm an artist and just too many times has it happened where I meet someone that has had a dream with something I have had drawn. I share that with my brother a lot but also with couple of other people I have met over the years.

      Thanks for the reply It really does help to hear other peoples advice and opinions since I don't get any from the people I am around. I'm perceived in a very negative light when I speak of dreams. I think I have heard all the possible negative comments a person can possibly hear. Thanks :-)
      Dreams are not just real in our minds. I too have had Shared Dreams. Two people having the same Dream, that is, sharing the exact same dream scene at the exact same time, proves dreaming to be a matter of Objective Physical Verifiable Reality. Dreams do exist beyond our individuality. Its become a Fact. The great Psychologist Karl Justov Jung studied the phenomena for years and concluded that there is a Collective Consciousness -- a common field in which we all dream. It acconts for common dream motifs among all people and all cultures.

      And then there is the matter that even if your dreams are Individual and isolated, it does not therefore indicate that they are arbitrary or random. yes, many or most dreams may seem senseless, but in my lifetime I have had a significant number of dreams that were important enough to influence my Life and my life decisions.

      then there is the matter of Character Development and Dreaming. Most people are not perfect, and many people far less perfect then they really need to be. It is because they have flawed characters and habitually make bad judgments or no judgments at all and blunder through life. But what if people were able to impose new choices on their actions within their dreams. If one can modify and improve behavior at the level of one's dreams, it is easy enough to suppose that such Mental Operations would perculate up to the Conscious Waking behavior.

      But dreams can not be used as a Tool for Character development until we first begin to take them seriously. Being dismissive of a Dream's Reality is to be equally dismissive of a Dream's Utility.

      You seem to have intuited the importance of Dreaming, but your social circles have made you ashamed, somewhat, of your inclinations. But now i hope you know much better. Treat your dreams as Real and they will only become ever more Real.

    11. #11
      Member Hedphelym's Avatar
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      Mar 2005
      all the hairs on my arm and neck just rised when i read through this post, really scary, and really interesting!
      i hope you can figure all of this out, and dont forget to continue to post here, i'd really like to read it all..

      thank you for sharing this.
      spam removed

    12. #12
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Thanks for the reply

      I was so excited to talk to someone about this subject and was happy to see a reply so quickly.

      Yes I do admit for a long time I did feel embarrased about saying I had these dreams because the friends around me didn't remember their dreams or had religious beliefs that dreams were the work of demons or spirits. My family detered me in talking about the dreams for religious beliefs as well but different. So you can see how I was viewed. I also didn't want to admit to anyone where my Ideas used in my art were coming from.

      This reoccuring dream about being subjected to experiments does frighten me because in the dream once I am lucid I have the immediate understanding and knowledge that this is not just a dream but an experiment that is done on all of us. I see the people so well I drawn many of them . I have maps drawn of the place and of how the process is done, (the control). That's why in my dream when I see someone I recite my name, address and phone number to them. My brother asked me why did you do that what if for some crazy reason that something like this is for real. I replied I can't fear myself and my experiences or my experiences will control me. So far no calls :-)

      My art is all over the internet but only what I deem safe art. The dream art still recides at my home. I'm too fearful of the comments of what people will say about it. I guess I would feel safe showing it if I could find art that was like it. It leads back to this dream too what if someone sees something familiar in it. This dream of being experimented on in our dreams is a dream that goes back to when I was a kid. It still continues to today. Horrible scene shown to people, people made to go through obstacle courses where you know if you go through it it's impossible and you'll surely died. People on conveyor belts. Oh god I just can't ever write it down. And the controlers writing and record or verbally reporting what they see in the victims reactions and me always interupting and be sent back to the waking state because I was a trouble maker who become lucid and tried to warm everyone of the dangers they are in. Some of my dream art is based on these scenes so you can why I don't show it. I draw the dreams out as a means to cope with the dreams. What I do in my waking life influences my sleep life and visa versa. Thanks for reading. :-)

    13. #13
      Join Date
      Jul 2006

      my future son

      When my wife was pregnant with my son I met him in a lucid dream. I was fishing with a boy. I looked over and asked who he was. He said his name was Brandon, my son. I knew my wife had not given birth yet. This pushed me to lucidity. He was such a handsome boy when I looked at him as if for the first time. I asked him if he was alright. He told me he was and told me not to blame myself for anything that happens when he's grown. I told him I was responsible for him. He told me just for raising him, not what he does as an adult. That was such a powerful dream that we were gonna name him Justin. And named him Brandon because of the dream. Today he is serving time in prison and I think his words in the dream was help for me. I don't blame myself. I did the best I could. He made his own mistake. I miss him, and love him, but ultimately it was his choice. (he told me that)
      I have had more than 11 lucid dreams in my lifetime. I want to enjoy them nightly.

    14. #14
      Join Date
      Jul 2005
      Phoenix improper
      dreamlyn, I had one dream where I was in a lab as the test subject, I remember it vividly. I will share it here, even though it's a little perverted.
      I find myself in a bright laboratory, standing next to a scientist. His hand is covered in a white glove, with a robotized metal bee, named PIMP. He continued by explaining what he was doing with it.

      Soon enough, he activated it and stuffed it up inside my colon. Almost immediately I felt a burning sensation, which spread and became more intense. I was crawling around, to discourage it, but the burning spread, and quickly I became erect. I rolled over onto my back just in time for a quite powerful orgasm.

      The scientist reappeared, and handed me a small towel of sorts, as I instictually got onto all fours. I soon puked up a whole bunch of semen, a known side effect of the robotized test toy, which is why he handed me the towel.[/b]
      There you go, you aren't the only one to have odd dreams like that.


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