• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2006
      I started WILD'ing around 2 weeks ago and just last night I had my 5th one. But i've noticed every time i transition from Sleep Paralysis into the dream world i have a False Awakening/i'm laying in my bed! I know almost immediately its a dream because every thing seems sort of 'dull' and cloudy until i scream something or spin around in circles.

      I figured this wasnt that big of a deal, but the only problem is EVERY time i've tried to leave my bedroom in a Lucid Dream, i wake right up, or i lose lucidity almost immediately. Its very frustrating and heres an example of what i mean:

      Just last night towards the end of my dream i failed to make a Glock (dont ask) appear in front of me so I decided to leave my room. I made it to the adjacent room, or about 3 paces away, and i decided to try and go through the glass of the window to get outside. To do this I imagined i was a character from the TV show 'Heroes' and i stuck my hand through the glass like it was liquid. The instant my hand went outside i woke right up in my bed, and i did a few RC's to make sure that this awakening wasnt false...

      What am I doing wrong, if anything to make this happen?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      This is actually a blessing in disguise. I used to have the same thing and I would always try to leave my room too at first. Then it hit me that a small room that is familiar to you is the best place to learn how to become stable in a dream. When the dreamscape is big and unusual it is very easy to lose lucidity. Instead of trying to create something, examine what is already there and compare it to your real room. Memorize any differences and see how many you can actually write down when you wake up. Also just try sitting and meditating. Once I started doing stuff like that then after awhile I just started becoming lucid in random dreams and not only false awakening in my room.

    3. #3
      Member Amzie's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2006
      But whenever I WILD I always wake up in my bedroom, or another version of it. xD So I don't think you're weird there.


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