Turned into a Black Waltz and fought a Grand Dragon. (FF9 reference)

Dreamed I was being tested for hero/sidekick status like in the movie "Sky high". While doing so tentacles ripped out my back and turned to wings, a long tail with a blade at the end of it, and a sword.

Speared a zombies eye out with a spork.

Took a tour of hell with death. (He's a pretty cool guy)

Got shot and stabbed and I didn't wake up till someone punched me in the face.

Gutted myself.

Jumped into a tv and lived some shows.

Plucked out my own eye so I can see my eye color.

Ripped out a man's heart and took a bite of it. (Tasted like chicken. No lie.)

Chased a mailman because I was a purple dog.

And a lot more but those are my interesting ones.